Guitar...On board boost for EMGs

Started by modsquad, August 29, 2006, 02:00:11 PM

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I have a Fender Strat with EMG active pickups.   The tone and volume are just really "dull" or "dead" to me compared with my other strat which has the pickups it came with in it.  (Yes I changed out the battery)

I was building a Stratoblaster for a friend and thought, hmm, why don't I build one and put in my EMG strat and replace the preamp that's in there, or put it after the preamp.  Anyone had any experience with this, concerns, information, bad idea, etc.

"Chuck Norris sleeps with a night light, not because he is afraid of the dark but because the dark is afraid of him"

donald stringer

My guitar has all emg pus and active hardware. Make sure that the pots are 25k. Thats the value they are meant to work with.

donald stringer

 By the way what model no. are they?

Cliff Schecht

EMG's preamps are built into the pickups and are tuned at the factory. They cannot be adjusted, but a stratoblaster after them would work fine.


The pickups are EMG SAs from about 15 yrs ago.  I wonder if the preamps might be going out and that's why the output is not as high.   I might try the stratoblaster after the pickups.

"Chuck Norris sleeps with a night light, not because he is afraid of the dark but because the dark is afraid of him"

John Lyons

Emgs are pretty loud/hot pickups. They have active preamps inside. Check the pots as mentioned above. They should be load and clear if wired corectly and with the right pots.


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