Another EasyVibe

Started by Aharon, September 02, 2006, 08:51:03 PM

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This time used yellow LEDs which John specifically mentioned not to use.
That's all I had and it works fine.The LEDs are all from the same batch probably but I'm guessing that if there are diferences in the brightness it may even be beneficial to the sound of the vibe.
Used TL062CP throughout,no ticking.
The 1K drive trim could be an external pot labeled Intensity.
Another winner,next week I will finish my real Vibe for which I have the PCB already.
Take care


Yeah, that's a nice pedal.  Did U PCB it or perf.  I perfed mine and it sounds great.




Quote from: Aharon on September 03, 2006, 07:54:16 AM
Used the old Willy PCB.

Which one? the GEO one? Mine?

Do you think you could possibly review the 2 when you've finished them - Im still deciding which to do.


Ive been meaning to try another EZV with mixed leds in the optos - mix of red, yellow and green. Might produce more of a "wobble" ....


Willy used to have a site with PCBs and other info,I haven't seen him around lately,maybe under  another name.
I build both my EasyVibes with the same layout so I can't comment on RGs,I'm sure it's a great layout as are all his stuff.
The first I built had red LEDs,with this one I decided to experiment with yellow (partly cause that's all I had) to see if there is a diference,this one "wobbles" more but it could be coincidence.Let's say that the drive trim does more to the sound with these yellow LEDs that it does with the red.