New Booster Design!!!

Started by KerryF, September 03, 2006, 07:47:37 PM

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Hey everyone.  After seeing many great comments on MOSfet boosts, I decided to take a shot at creating a boost based on MOSfets myself.  I had posted a thread about me building a MOSfet "type" of booster yesterday.  Well I didnt want to reveal it until I finally worked out most of the bugs in the circuit.  Bugs have been worked out so I am ready to reveal it!

I named this circuit the Vintage Booster.  I came up with this name because it sounds a bit vintage-like and just is a great addition to a pedalboard.

Heres the schematic:

Heres the vero layout:

Heres some pictures of my build:

Finally, heres the video clips.  These clips are also recorded with the Marshall BluesBreaker for added drive. (sorry about the clipping of the sound, I will record some better sound clips with lower volume so it doesnt clip so bad.  the pedal does sound 100% better in person!):
1. D Chord Riffs:
2. Improvising:
3. Repeated Scale Riffs:
4. Sweet Child O Mine Solo:

Let me know what you think please!


i'm on "dial up", so i havent listened to the clips yet....should sound good though, as its definitely "derived" from another popular booster (that i wont mention) ....

interesting master volume setup...just a signal bleed to



looks like a not so good copy not a design..

  Whats the point of posting this ?

People that have been on the web for years should know what the real one is.

too many diodes

The zener is the standard limit the gate to source breakdown

The other two are to limit the input to one diode drop above the power supply voltage  or below ground


 :-X ^-Sorry guys.  Removed the files.


Now the interesting thing in your post is the vol control like Dragonfly posted.

You should not back down so fast this is the web and it lacks the interaction of face to face or even on the phone interaction with people

I was hoping you would post about the vol control that is different.  Not your standard vol control and it got me thinking.

Think of the tube type master vol that goes from plate to plate of  the Phase Inverter.

If you use a reg vol control at low volumes the series resistance can take away some of the coolness that can happen with a tube in a pre right after the booster (if the series r is not to big in the tube pre section)  R.G. wrote about the last buffer to tube amp interaction in the TS writeup

Reading my post I can see how it sound harsh.

maybe I should use the emoticons.

burnt fingers

You shouldn't neccesarily remove the files but you should give credit where credit is due and state that you derived you layout from xyz booster.  I did this in my layouts galler with what I callled the Plutonium fuzz.  I started out building fuzz central's Axis Face but made some changes along the way.  Enough changes to call it something else but not enough to call in my own design, just a design derived from another pedal.

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Yea sorry I backed out so fast guys.  Its just that I posted and then when you guys started posting, I was like oh god, I never thought about this completely.    But thanks Gus, it sounded harsh at first to me and I got scared and all.  But yea.  The volume control is a good feature because this thing can boost so much and yet it does add much more tone depending on how high the boost is set.  This way you can get the full tone, but not have any boost, just tone!  ;D.  So how it works... Well I just kindof didnt think this whole pot through when I did it.  I kindof just put it there and then when I hooked it up, I noticed that it works as a master volume control AND a control on the battery voltage in a sortof way.  When you turn the Master Volume down past about 2-3, you notice a breakup in the sound (not enough voltage getting through).  This is a cool feature sometimes.  Also, like you said, most Volume controls actually interact with the gain controls.  That is why I call this a Master Volume control.  It doesnt change any tone, but just lowers its volume and even can get that nice breakup if needed.


 Oh jeeze- I missed it. Was it what I think it was?
Lemme guess- the pot was between the drain and ground right? That would be the one...except I'm not aware of any zener....
Sounds like it's interesting for sure!
I am not responsible for your imagination.


So many of this..

This is ridiculus!!!!


If it was what I think it is, then taking it down was the right thing to do !!  :icon_wink:

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Quote from: MartyMart on September 04, 2006, 04:45:09 AM
If it was what I think it is, then taking it down was the right thing to do !!  :icon_wink:


it *is* what you were thinking of...

this version has a unique feature or two, however...he's re-posted it so you can see (for now), but if you need the files, i can PM you so you can "put your eyes on 'em " !



No I actually took them down, but anyone who was there before has it on their computers cache.  If you clear your cache you will see they are gone. ;D


Quote from: call1800ksmyazz on September 04, 2006, 09:03:03 AM
No I actually took them down, but anyone who was there before has it on their computers cache.  If you clear your cache you will see they are gone. ;D

Ok for those of us who are late to this party, and now that we're all straightened out on kudo's and whatnot where's the pic's?.


 Missed it again... Anyway, that was a volume or gain being turned in the videos? (sounds good by the way!) Interesting- I had thought it was an unusual tone control and was gonna ask- how'd ya do that? I must have been hearing things...  I'm also curious about the function of the toggle switch. Wazzat for? Clipping diodes maybe? Voicing cap?

I like the 'sock' video. Somehow I got a kick uotta that. Nice that there's not even a hint of switch pop.

I would have been interested in hearing what the other pot does... because I've never really heard what one of these does... and I watch manufacturers' demo videos with a very wary eye.
I am not responsible for your imagination.


Well the switch is only a power switch, so that I can leave the input plugged in.  Nothing special  ;D.
The left pot is a Boost/Gain control.
The right pot is a Master Volume control.  Its a sortof strange design like most were saying.  The first lug of the pot is going to out along with the rest of the board (the output isnt just connected from the pot).  The second and third lugs go to ground.  This pot controls the volume of the circuit without changing any tone so you can get the crunchy sound without having the boost.  Once you get down to like 3 on the Master Volume, it starts to control the power supply's voltage and gets a breakup sound.

Sorry, but I cant post the pictures or schematics again, because it really wasnt right and I didnt think about it.  :icon_cry:.  Yea well anyway, its all good.


...for those who cant see the pics, i'm posting *just* the master volume section, which i thought was interesting....

Kerry, if you have an objections, let me know, and i'll remove the pic....


No, Dragonfly its fine.  Its a good idea to post that so people can still see that part.


Hi, could somebody send me this design, I just want to see it.  I have probably 20-30 already but none with the volume laid out that way.  Does this change the noise or tone or anything?

Uncle Ernie's Effects
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Quote from: call1800ksmyazz on September 04, 2006, 09:37:26 AM
The right pot is a Master Volume control.  Its a sortof strange design like most were saying.  The first lug of the pot is going to out along with the rest of the board (the output isnt just connected from the pot).  The second and third lugs go to ground.  This pot controls the volume of the circuit without changing any tone so you can get the crunchy sound without having the boost.  Once you get down to like 3 on the Master Volume, it starts to control the power supply's voltage and gets a breakup sound.



That IS different! Sorta like a tone control without a cap... also reminds me a little of a gainish type control somewhere else on a...  umm... extraordinary mosfet booster.

If that's the knob you were turning it does some cool things....!

Yeah, can't blame ya for takin' it down... better safe than sorry...

Still, like you said, it's all good. Thanks!
I am not responsible for your imagination.