Audio Probe Help! BSIAB

Started by erick4x4, September 07, 2006, 08:46:38 PM

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Ok So I am debugging a BSIAB II that I cannot get to work to save my life. So I am audio probing it? What am I looking for? Here is what I find, oh and I am using a GGG layout. I think I don't understand transistors. So if you can help?

From the input everything is fine until I hit Q1 a 2n5457. The gate is where the input is, the source has no sound (correct I assume), and the drain has a much weaker sound. So that Drain goes to the source of Q2 and then the Drain has no sound, but the Ground has a yet weaker sound. Now onto Q3, the gate gets input from the drive knob which works, and then the source has no output, and the drain has about the same. It seems like my problem exists by the time I'm here yes? I have checked the joints, part values, I am at a loss. before I go further can someone help me interpret what I have found so far?


Ed G.

Whoa, back up there. Each stage should have successively more volume, so go back to Q1. The drain is the output of the stage, so it should have more, not less.


So do I have my transistor flipped? What would cause that? Or is it parts around the transistor.



1st of all just calm ur self coz if u dont there's no chance of fixin it.

2. fill up the form u will find in the topic coz thats the only way to help u with it.

3. post it and wait for replys.

4. be sure we will make it work at the end! it happens all the time. also give us some more details that u think might help.

5. r u sure u use the audio prob the right way? read the article at the faq here.

thats all for now.
