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Newbie Phaser

Started by Tamir, September 12, 2006, 10:37:02 AM

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Aye mates!

I saw the veroboard layout of the Phase 45 which I realy like:

And I think, if I can make a booster to work, can I move to this?
I realy want to build what I want and not what I can, so is it too much for such a beginner like me? Is there an easier phase to build?

maybe It is too much for me, what do you think?
and are these parts of circuit are easy to find/cost?

Mark Hammer

You can get all the parts you need for a decent price at  Although the Phase 45 is about as simple a phaser as you can get, note that best sound is achieved by matching the FETs used in it.  If you are up to that task, and have a meter to use, then certainly take on that challenge.  If a dollar saved here and there makes a big deal in your life (and it does in some folks' lives), and you don't have a meter, maybe tackle something else first.

Edit: oops, forgot to mention that you are recommended to buy more of the FETs than you actually need, so that you CAN find a pair that match properly, or as close to properly as possible.  Note as well that the Phase 45 *is* "expandable" to have 4, 6 or even more stages for a thicker phaser sound.  In that spirit, use a bigger piece of Vero-board than you need for the initial project. Once you have 2 stages working successfully, then you can consider adding more stages.  Buying, say, 6 2N5952 FETs would likely provide a matched pair, and possibly even 2 matched pairs.


When you say meter you mean a multimeter? because I do have one, don't know how to use it, but have one :)
I don't build to save money from buying, I realy love building, but I want from now on, build things that I actually want, otherwise it is realy a waste.
If I had access to smallbear I would do many things first, but I

I. don't have a credit card
II. live in Israel

so I ask if I can in your opinion find these part on my local electronics shops (I know you don't know these shops, but are these parts too rare?)
thank you very much.

Mark Hammer

There are a number of members here who also live in Israel (when they aren't trying to avoid Katyushas).  Perhaps they can help you out by sharing an order.  Small Bear ships all over the world, so I don't see why he wouldn't ship to you.  Don't expect speedy service between Rosh Hashanah and Sinchat Torah :icon_wink:, but other than that you can probably still order stuff by sending money orders.


Can you detail more :D?
Are you Israely? how do you know these places? can you link me to Israely members so I can talk with?
and what money orders? how?


Mark Hammer

This guy is a member here and near you (well, nearer than *I* am):
Herr Masel, who posts here, is also Israel-based.  The members list ( used to list location, but doesn't seem to anymore.  That probably accounts for people posting "Anyone here located in...?" threads in the OT-Lounge section.  The next nearest region would seem to be members in Greece, Italy, and segments of the former Yugoslavia.  Perhaps they could suggest possible distributors near you, or simply be willing to swap shekels for semiconductors.

Quote from: Tamir on September 12, 2006, 11:45:24 AM
Are you Israely?
Only for about 10-15 minutes on Yom Ha'Atzmaut, but not after I wipe the tehina off my chin. :icon_wink:
Quotehow do you know these places? can you link me to Israely members so I can talk with?
and what money orders? how?
First, you find out how much it will cost for the parts and all shipping costs.  Then, you go the bank, buy a money order for the cost of the purchase, and send it to the place you are buying from.  It takes longer, but it's how we used to do things in "the old days" before credit cards and Paypal.  Small Bear's owner, Steve Daniels, is accustomed to people making requests in difficult circumstances, and can usually find an inexpensive way to get things to them, as well as an accurate estimate of the total cost.  Perhaps some other people here in eastern or southern Europe who have gotten international orders from Small Bear can comment.


:) Tom (Arielfx) is the one who built my Phuzz Phace :)
I'll try to talk to smallbear, maybe they have some ideas.