Whoops I used Comet.....can I reuse the board?

Started by lerxstlover, September 19, 2006, 11:10:16 PM

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Ok well me being all genius and all thought I could use comet to clean my copper blanks (why didn't I search here, first?)  Anyway, I've ruined two transfer attempts with PNP Blue, but I cleaned the blanks with nail polish remover to get what actually DID transfer off.

Can I reuse those boards?  Can I clean them with something else (I was using Lime Away and it seemed to work great!) and reuse them?  I notice that there is a "ghost" of the traces when I shine it in the light just right.

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

If you have a stiff wire brush, I'd go over the boards with that.
But I can't see why Comet would be a problem, if the board is thoroughly rinsed afterward & care is taken not to touch the surface by anything except clean lint-free cloth.

Dean Hazelwanter

I've used comet and scotchbrite pads (after light sanding) on pretty much every board I've made (100's). As long as you rinse well, and as Paul says dry it with a clean cloth, you should be ok.


Yep, I have used scotchbrite as well. Really cleans up the board!


I use comet exclusively making my boards... I rub it around with my thumb and rinse thoroughly - then I dry it with a lint-free towel and take care not to touch the copper...
- make sure you're not getting finger oil on the PNPBlue when you cut it out too...
Give it another try!!


I used "Scratchless" Comet on two boards and the PNP would not transfer (well, some of it did.)  I was careful not to touch the PNP Blue rough side as well.

I cut a 3rd board, cleaned it with Lime Away and it worked like a charm.  So anybody need a can of Comet?  :icon_razz:

I'll clean the other two boards with Lime Away and do a test run to see if the PNP works on those.  Just wondering if there would be any issues with the traces, etc., since there seems to be an "impression" of the previous botched trace after cleaning with Acetone.


I find it works well to rub with steel wool breifly so the metal is shiney, and then wash off with a bit of soap (hand-soap) and water.