Phase 90 Reissue Tone Sucking solved - not with true bypass

Started by vanhansen, September 23, 2006, 06:15:41 PM

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Hey everyone.  Long time no post.  Life has kept me busy with other things lately but I still lurk around.  Today I decided to take care of my Phase 90 once and for all without cutting up the PCB like what has been seen in the past.  Sure, a true bypass box is quick and easy to solve the problem but I wanted to do something inside the Phase 90 box instead, as tight as it is.  So, I put a buffer at the output.

I have a buffer circuit, the tiny one in my layout gallery, that I had built some time ago and wasn't using, so, I put it between the output lug of the DPDT switch and the output jack tip. The trace is easily seen on the back of the board. Once the buffer was in place, I cut the PCB trace between the switch and output jack. Now, the signal goes through the buffer and the lost high end and definition is restored, both bypassed and when the phaser is in use. Sounds just how I want it to now.   :) :)

Pic of the back of the board coming soon.

I hope everyone is doing well and had a great summer.

edited one typo at vanhansen's request - PKS


Here is the photo.  The IN and OUT refer to the buffer's input and output.





  Nice Job on an internal fix!
  I didn't know they weren't TB, my buddy has one he never uses, possibly for that reason.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Thanks, Pete.  I didn't want to hack up the board and I wanted to use it.  After reading R.G.'s bypass articles again and looking at the traces, it was obvious what I could do.  Pass this on to your friend.  It may help him use his again.  It has for me.  I've always loved this pedal except for the way it sucked tone.  Not anymore.  ;D

The perfed buffer ciruit is to the bottom right of the picture right above the battery.  It's a tight fit but it works.  With longer wires and a little foam insulation it could probably be placed in a few other spots as well.

Oh, and cutting that trace was a bit of work.  These PCB's have a thick coating over them.





on your pic... the 9v didnt work on my phase 90. i had to move it over to the left solder spot right next to it?
