BSIABII JFET Gate Voltages Wrong

Started by afischer82, September 24, 2006, 01:59:35 PM

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 Okay, so the gate voltages on Q2, Q3, and Q4 are way off in comparison to the voltage diagram at GGG (  I'm getting like 0.3 out of all of them instead of the 3.8-4.3v I should be getting.  Q1 measures fine, and Q5 has no voltage at all.  Does this sound like a bad component, or a flaw in the circuit somewhere?

This is my first (and last) attempt at using perfboard to mimick a layout, so it could definitely be something wrong with the circuit.  I'm just hoping you guys can advise where I should start. 



It's probably not a bad part.  I'd double check the pinouts - swapping drain and gate is a real easy way to get apparent low voltages on your "gates".  And if that's not it, just go over the circuit with a fine toothed comb, without assuming that you got *anything* right.


Well, turns out I missed a connection between the trimpot and R11.  After I corrected that problem she fired right up.  I tinkered with it a lot last night, but I'm yet to find the 'sweet spot' with the trim pot.  It seems like where I like the sound the best, the volume is too low.  I'll have to mess with it more tonight, probably this time starting with the multimeter to find the general range of where I want the trimpot to be. 

Thanks for the help!