The Simplest Pedal EVER!!

Started by PNG123, October 10, 2006, 01:50:54 PM

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the LPB and Bazz fuss are pretty damn simple 'full' circuits - adding gain and running off a battery rather than somethign passive like a volume or black ice

other than that, volume or kill switch, one component each (excluding jacks)



My brother and I used it to plug two guitars into a tiny amp he had.  We ended up controlling each other's volume and tone, which was a pain.
  Yupp, we had 1 fuzz box, 2 guitars, two inputs, ...was kinda cool the one song with fast whamming rythms, a lead note sustaining would interact with and 'let the rythm rise' after every lead note attack began die-ing...pretty cool effect !!!
  When that's all you have to mess with, and two of you are interested enough, really cool things can be found that 'better/more equipment' would never find.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Can someone either tell me if my diagram is correct, or create a little diagram using a SPDT to switch between Tone Control and Black Ice.



Thanks for reminding me about real and right "black ice" or whatever it was circuit, I remembered wrong it had only one diode (?special mod that accents even harmonics :P), I was little tired yesterday and forgot to mention that I suggested trying that diode thingy without real box because it is wasting a good box for not so goodsounding and not useful circuit.


Quote from: Mark Hammer on October 10, 2006, 04:30:13 PM
I think E-H holds that record.  They had a "pedal" in the early 80's that was simply a box and 4 jacks, with NO additional components beyond that.

Sometimes, I make a foot pedal with an input jack and an output jack which are connected to each other directly. 

Then I take old, blown components and attach them to a perfboard along with a battery clip.  It works best if the components are oversized.

Then I install a switch, stuff the rest of the chassis with wires that don't connect anything, and sell it as a "Warmth" pedal. 

If I'm feeling generous, I find a pot to throw into it, even though it's not connected to anything.  I label the knob "Punch." 

Then I sell the pedal.  The best price I've ever gotten for this product was a hundred and forty bucks.

(None of this is true.)

jonathan perez

awesome picture ^^^^^

to be really honest...i think the wah has got to be the simplest pedal for me...i know all about it, so its no problem for me...

but...hmm...i dont know why id want to know of a "simple" build.

do you mean easy, scarce, or plug in and play?

i dont like easy...scarce is ok...and i naturally plug in and play.

i confused myself. time for a nippynap.
no longer the battle of midway...(i left that band)...

i hate signatures with gear lists/crap for sale....

i am a wah pervert...ask away...


i thought the Easy Drive was hard to beat....  :icon_smile:



The black ice and dual schottky clippers can be greatly simplified.
Leave out one diode.  It improves the sound IMO! :icon_lol:
have fun
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)


+1 for Bazz Fuss. Have built it several times and can say nothing but good things. This is THE simplest and craziest bat powered effect.



Ah screw it...let's go the other way.  I want the most complex pedal ever built I want something with so many components and switches and knobs that nuclear inspectors would mistake it for a enriching reactor.  Now that's a pedal.


Quote from: JimRayden on October 10, 2006, 05:44:20 PM
Quote from: PNG123 on October 10, 2006, 05:28:07 PM
Ok to be more specific -> An external box which modifies the volume level or sound (including tone) of your guitar. Switch or not is not a real issuei guess as that can be added to any efect
fun thing is that you can do this trick anywhere in the signal chain, or built it in your amp.
Well in this case either a pot-in-a-box or the Black Ice.

The black Ice, as much as I've played around with it, is a great thing. With some hot humbuckers it can really rock out. Be warned that it will reduce the output of your guitar though.

visit for info on (allmost) every effect in the world!

The Tone God

Quote from: PNG123 on October 10, 2006, 01:57:03 PM
But the Fx-X competiton you must Build the FX pedal,

Just a minor point about FX-X. You do NOT have to build a pedal or even a circuit for that matter but it is encouraged more for the benefit of others who may wish to build as well. There a themes along these lines on the list but they have not come up yet as the themes are selected by random so I don't know when they will come up.

More on topic I have built some effects with a LARGE number of controls. I have to admit guilt of wanting to put too many controls into something. It is an interesting exercise in learning to balance the need for control to the intended operation of the circuit.

Hey anyone ever think about building a pedal with just an LDR either in series or to ground as a light controlled volume pedal ? Sounds simple to me.



^-Tone God.  I did something like this in my Bobtavia.  Its a bit different, because its just replacing the 100k resistor, but it controls Volume/Roughness with the LDR.


Quote from: call1800ksmyazz on October 10, 2006, 07:57:49 PM
Can someone either tell me if my diagram is correct, or create a little diagram using a SPDT to switch between Tone Control and Black Ice.


Since nobody else has taken the time to respond to this - yes, your diagram looks fine.


Thanks.  I tried it, and it didnt work...  I decided to not do that, and put a different circuit in the guitar.


Quote from: call1800ksmyazz on October 11, 2006, 07:42:48 PM
Thanks.  I tried it, and it didnt work...  I decided to not do that, and put a different circuit in the guitar.

you need to use low voltage schottky diodes, regular diodes wont do much unless you have pickups with insane output and you hit the strings pretty hard.


Quote from: Hiwatt25 on October 11, 2006, 12:14:43 PM
Ah screw it...let's go the other way.  I want the most complex pedal ever built I want something with so many components and switches and knobs that nuclear inspectors would mistake it for a enriching reactor.  Now that's a pedal.

Hate to dredge up this old chestnut, but it fits the bill:



 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
:icon_eek: :icon_eek: :icon_eek: :icon_eek: :icon_eek: :icon_eek:
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

That is a MONSTER!!,
I'm sure when you turn it on the lights flicker :)

Edit: What are it's dimensions?


sorry, only a link:
coz this EFFECT is too BIG
for the forum...

(12" speaker built-in!)

zachary vex

years ago i released a pedal called the "Earth Saver Boost" which consisted of one component (excluding jacks and the switch).  a transformer.  it had no batteries, no pots, and was sealed shut with epoxy.  it boosted the signal about 3 times... the auto-transformer was a custom model that filled about 1/2 of the enclosure.

i sold 3 of them.  8^)