Help - electric misstress wiring %^&*up !

Started by Chris1974, October 16, 2006, 07:59:52 AM

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Hi, I'm new to the forum, I was directed to this site from a member on the bareknuckle pickup forum, he said this was the place to come for stomp box problems.

I recently decided to carry out a series of mods on my electro harmonix electric misstress flanger pedal, the mods are from an article printed in Novembers edition of Guitar and bass magazine.

Whilst carrying out a mod on the filter matrix switch, which was to swap it with a 3PDT foot switch, I seem to have re-wired it wrong as the flanger circuit still works but the filter matrix doesn't , when in matriox mode the colour control seems to be working but the range control isn't doing anything.

I think I re-wired the switch wrong when I was transfering the filter matrix switch to a 3 PDT foot switch, before I removed the wires from the original filter matrix slider switch I labeled all the wires so i wouldn't mix up which way they were connected but I think I've %^&*ed up some where. Even after soldering the wires back onto the original flanger matrix slider switch the flanger is working but not the filter matrix.

So my question is does anyone out there have an electric misstress pedal - the older style with built in mains power supply ?

If so, would it be possible for them to open it up and suss out how the 6 wires are connected to the filter matrix switch by tracing them back from the various points that they exit the pcb ? I know its a pain in the arse but if anyone cares to take pity on me and help out that would be a great help, I've already tried re-wiring it in different permutations but I think its a lost cause !!

My version has white wires leading from the visible, underside of the PCB.

Cheers in advance for any help you can offer.


hi crhris1974, welcome on the forum,....

i can't help you directly since i'm trying to build a electric mistress, but i can help you on some basic solution,
- there is the search option on top of topic, where you can try to find a answer- exemple; you write electric mistress, wiring electric mistres,ect...
there is some link up in this page that can help you solve problem....
- there is some place where you can find some schematic: 
free info society
general guitar gadget

and if none of this help you, just wait a few day, you probably have a respond from someone here....
wish i could help you more....


Long live the music.....