what's up with the Layouts Gallery

Started by markm, October 19, 2006, 05:33:17 PM

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I just went into the Layouts Gallery and couldn't find mine for awhile.
It used to be on Page 3 now it's on Page 8.....any ideas?


Same.  Mine was on page 1.  Now its on page 5.



I think ours gets pushed back as new albums come in?


Actually, It looks like the order was reversed!


Hmmm... interesting.  Looks like the galleries are now ordered chronologically by their creation date, oldest first.  I just created a gallery the other day and haven't put much in it yet, but when it was created I was surprised to see it come up as the first entry on the first page.  Now it's the last entry on the last page.  Galldang.  Perhaps my requesting a gallery (first guy in a couple months) prompted some sort of software upgrade/reset/reorg/whatever

www.mattrabe.com/ultraterrestrial Ultraterrestrial - Just doing our little part to make new rock go where it should have gone in the late-90's, instead of the bullshit you hear on the radio today.


Quote from: aron on October 19, 2006, 07:06:20 PM
I think ours gets pushed back as new albums come in?
Well thats normaly what happens, but the whole gallery has been rearanged. This is not the first time it has happened either.
I guess it's just a minor inconveniance as long as nothing gets lost in the shuffle ;)
Richard Boop


Now that you speak about the galleries, it would be interesting that you have a mention of all the new additions at the header. It is kind of a drag having to surf through them all when looking for new schematics / layouts. Don't you think?

Regarding the order change, it's basically inverted. I don't have any problem with that as I think it's completely logical.

Have you all seen the Rebote 2.5 PERF layout :icon_eek:??? unverified, but worth a try....


  'Hidden treasures'
  I say could use an index...but...
  I went looking for Markm's layouts, and they're in there, but looking to find it, it's very easy to skim over and not notice, you almost have to be 'slow browsing'...looking inside every box to see what's in them...and that'sa lotta boxes..
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Quote from: petemoore on October 20, 2006, 11:07:52 AM
  'Hidden treasures'
  I say could use an index...but...
  I went looking for Markm's layouts, and they're in there, but looking to find it, it's very easy to skim over and not notice, you almost have to be 'slow browsing'...looking inside every box to see what's in them...and that'sa lotta boxes..

Hidden treasures is right!
Some type of Index would be great!

Funny, Marks gallery went from page 3 to page 8 and today it's on page 1 !? Someone has to be playing with something.
Richard Boop


Quote from: Xavier on October 20, 2006, 03:26:50 AM
Have you all seen the Rebote 2.5 PERF layout :icon_eek:??? unverified, but worth a try....
oldrocker reported back that he built that layout over the weekend and it worked.  So it's now verified... there are a few things, however, about the layout as it is currently posted that aren't quite optimal, and I will change them soon and repost.  But they are most likely things you'll figure out as you go along.  That's how I found them :)  My first layout, so not bad for starters...

Build your own at http://aronnelson.com/gallery/zpyders-veb

www.mattrabe.com/ultraterrestrial Ultraterrestrial - Just doing our little part to make new rock go where it should have gone in the late-90's, instead of the bullshit you hear on the radio today.