Having problems with Search Function

Started by wrs, October 20, 2006, 12:59:28 PM

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Hello all:  I make a practice of searching the forum for information, the computer balks and stalls when I search for a given topic.  I do a considerable amount of internet searches in proprietary databases and the G****e, nonetheless I have been stymied here.  I welcome any advice or techniques to help me, so as not to waste your valuable time.  Most of my recent questions exist in the database ( I know because I have read them in the past and have forgotten the information).  I humbly request your patience in dealing with my questions and input be it, "go search the archives" or a a kind answer to the question posed.  I will post a question about an Orange Sq****r tone control at a later date but will refrain until I can figure out the proper use of the search funtion.  Be well all and to you a wonderful weekend.  wrs.

Peter Snowberg

Welcome to the forum wrs. 8)

This place exists to ask and answer questions so please don't worry about it. We're here to help each other.

The search function here is far from perfect so it's not always easy to find what you seek. If you search and can't find, just say so in your post and that should head off any "go search" responses. Often, someone will remember something about thread with the info you seek and they'll do a little searching for you, posting a link to a good response or suggesting keywords to use to get what you want.

I have drank many times from wells my hands did not dig. :icon_biggrin:
Eschew paradigm obfuscation



After you do a search, at the bottom of the page there is a line:

Page created in 5.673 seconds with 20 queries.

What does yours say?


Thank you to the Mod and others who have warmly greated me.  I think I have gotten the search function.  As I had posted before, I am somewhat familiar with the process.... If one fails, try, try again.. Thars the ole' beat them until down methodlogy.  Thanks. This is a great community filled with helpful, insightful and curious individuals who are obviously dedicated to sharing the big K (knowlege).  I ran across something on another related site and relted to buffers and will offer a query/post to address such. Be well all. Thurgood.