Marshall SupaFuzz MADNESS errr!

Started by KerryF, October 22, 2006, 04:02:06 PM

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Ok so this is getting extremely frusturating.  Let me tell you in steps what is happening.

1. Built Marshall SupaFuzz and Worked when hooked it up to terminal board (temp. test board with power and jacks).
2. Connected perminant jacks, switch, and power and Didnt work.
3. Relized jacks were wired wrong so I fixed that and it Worked with battery and everything.
4. Boxed it up, added LED, DC Jack, and Power Switch and it Didnt work.
5. Figured out the problems and got it to Work, but the LED didnt work.
6. Finally mounted it and tested it.  It was Working, but then I bypassed it, and then unbypassed it and it Didnt work!

This is VERY VERY annoying and confusing.  I dont know what it worked for a second and then not at all.  Anyone have any ideas?


Anyone have any ideas? 
  Something changed when you put it in the box, perhaps the stomping loosened or made something touch.
  I can't recommend:
  Taking the board loose or out, getting it going, then putting the board in while the IN/OUT s are connected and PS too.
  Because you are at risk of a power supply shorting.
  Otherwise, paying special attention to Not let V- and V+ touch, lowering the board and wiggling the board may help you find the area which seems to cause workie/no workie conditions with 'live circuit that goes dead 'when'.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Well like I said, it worked, then bypassed, then unbypassed and didnt work.

I made sure nothing was shorted or anything.  I checked everything.  I am using a DPDT bypass switch with a LED always on when the power is connected.  Can you just tell me where to connect the LED + and LED - when I am wiring it like this?  I have done this before, but I want to make sure its correct.

Thanks Pete.


Ok, now I just plugged it in again and it works  ???  WTF?!?  Its so freaking confusing whats going on :icon_frown:.  But one wierd thing is that it now has an octave!  This isnt good or bad but confusing because I dont remember much of an octave before.  It only had a mild one, but now its pretty big.

1. Has anyone built this and gotten a strong octave fuzz?

2. I have an LED connected to +V and -V.  May this be causing the octave?

I have no idea whats going on.  Very strange, but whatever...

Kerry  :)


Check the cords you are using! :) It happened to me before!:)


It may be because the jacks and everything else arent fully tightened to the box.  But I am thinking that having the LED from V- to V+ may be acting like a diode in the circuit.  Could that be possible?


in a way, but it will not rob you of all the signal. are you using a current-limiting resistor in series with LED?


Yes.  I am using a 3k3 resistor with the + of the LED.  I am thinking that having a LED/diode connecting the circuit's +V and -V together may be acting as letting some of the -V to the +V (or vice versa) and therefore acting as a maybe "sag" or "dying battery" simulator and breaking up the sound into an octave fuzz.

What do you think?



I have an original Supa Fuzz (bought it cheap, 20 years ago) - would transistor or other voltage measurements be any use to you?  Can't do it now, but tomorrow, if you want em, you've got them.


No thats ok, because its using the tested transistors from Small Bear for the Colorsound ToneBender MKII Pro so voltages may be slightley different.

I will try to take the LED off and let you all know.