Need Power Supply Help

Started by Austin73, October 28, 2006, 04:35:41 PM

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Hi everyone, jsut need a bit of help with power supply issues.

I'm sure I'm not alone but thanks to Andy (Dragonfly) I have too many FX to box singularly and thought I might put alot of my un boxed mayhem into a rack enclosure as I'm fast running out of floor space. Just wondered if I need to consider conditioning ampage etc (I live in the UK by the way)

The FX include various Bazz fuss (x3) Buzz Box (x2) NPN Boost (x3) Harmonic Perculator, and lots of other things, possibly upto 15 - 20 fx

Is this going to be possible (alot of them are low ampage I believe , looking at Tim Escobedo's stuff)


Bazz Fuss, Red LLama, Harmonic Jerkulator, LoFo MoFo, NPN Boost, Bronx Cheer, AB Box, Dual Loop, Crash Sync