Back From Vacation, with Pics!

Started by smallbearelec, November 11, 2006, 07:23:21 PM

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jonathan perez

no longer the battle of midway...(i left that band)...

i hate signatures with gear lists/crap for sale....

i am a wah pervert...ask away...


Glad u had a great time Steve. I know im jealous. Great pics. I wish you had more to say about the vacation though. I guess Ill just have to rely on the Discovery channel. Ive always wanted to visit another country.
"I think somebody should come up with a way to breed a very large shrimp. That way, you could ride him, then after you camped at night, you could eat him. How about it, science?"


Ive been in bariloche too (two years ago) ;D ;D BEAUTIFUL
The first time I touched snow in my life


That is wonderful, to see the community we have all over the world!!

Next time some shots from the beaches please ;)

back ta werk!
DIY has unpleasant realities, such as that an operating soldering iron has two ends differing markedly in the degree of comfort with which they can be grasped. - J. Smith

mike  ~^v^~ aNaLoG.MaN ~^v^~   vintage guitar effects


Great Steve, seems like that was a fun trip :D
I've not been to South America that much, but had great trips to Brazil and
to Peru, Lima/Matchu Pitchu - that was pretty awe inspiring !!

Good stuff,
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
My Website


Great Pics and welcome back!
The only foreign country I've ever been to is Manhattan!  :icon_lol:


Steve, I knew you would have a great time in Argentina, super pictures. It must be late Spring there now and still pretty cold in Bariloche. The first of many trips - of course, I knew you would say that! Next year we plan to visit a friend who runs a Polo centre near Tandil (I think), going towards Mar Del Plata on the coast, and then spend a few days in Mar Del Plata itself during one week and then visit Bariloche during the second. How do prices there compare with New York?
"I want my meat burned, like St Joan. Bring me pickles and vicious mustards to pierce the tongue like Cardigan's Lancers.".


Quote from: StephenGiles on November 12, 2006, 04:26:40 PM
Steve, I knew you would have a great time in Argentina, super pictures. It must be late Spring there now and still pretty cold in Bariloche.

Cool, but pleasant. Weather was mostly excellent, as you can tell from the pics.

Quote from: StephenGiles on November 12, 2006, 04:26:40 PM
The first of many trips - of course, I knew you would say that!

The next one for us will probably involve Peninsula Valdez and the penguins in some way, plus more time in B.A. I feel a little frustrated...I could have spent a week just visiting customers, doing marketing, never mind tourist stuff. Would also have liked more Tango lessons...the Argentine style is a lot more sensual than the American style that you usually see at weddings here. Nor, in the dance halls, is it usually the flashy "Tango Forever" stuff that has been staged on Broadway and elsewhere.

We are first hitting a time when more extended trips are and will be more feasible. While I have returned to a large pile of mail and business issues, SBE appears to have survived my time away. So I have the assurance that I have trained my #1 shipping guy well enough to hold the shop together. Judy is sticking with the corporate-cubical grind for now, but I expect more transitions in the next couple of years.

Quote from: StephenGiles on November 12, 2006, 04:26:40 PM
How do prices there compare with New York?

If a meal costs U.S. $15.00 in NY, it is 15 pesos or less in Bariloche. With the dollar at a little over 3 pesos, travel there for us is cheap. To the rest of our North American readers, go to Argentina now, if you can! The present situation is an overhang from their currency collapse of 2001, and I don't expect that it will last indefinitely.


Hi Steve, it was very nice meeteing you and Judy! Were you able to sell the extra bags of switches you brougth?

Quote from: smallbearelec on November 12, 2006, 05:49:23 PM
If a meal costs U.S. $15.00 in NY, it is 15 pesos or less in Bariloche. With the dollar at a little over 3 pesos, travel there for us is cheap. To the rest of our North American readers, go to Argentina now, if you can! The present situation is an overhang from their currency collapse of 2001, and I don't expect that it will last indefinitely.

For comparition, a Big Mac here costs about 10 pesos (last time I checked)

You can have what we call "parrilla libre" (all the meat you can eat, and very good meat) at Puerto Madero (a high class place) for about 39 pesos ( about 12.5 U$ dollars), not including the wine.
Prices are going up slowly, so people of the world, the time to come is now! :icon_biggrin:


Eramos tan pobres!


Quote from: bioroids on November 13, 2006, 06:51:34 AM
Hi Steve, it was very nice meeteing you and Judy! Were you able to sell the extra bags of switches you brougth?

Very good meeting "SeƱor Dedalo" as well! Business went fine, thanks!



Hey Steve.  Nice pictures.

Can you try to get to my email.  I know you are buisy and all, but im Kerry, and I ordered a little more than 2 weeks ago and still nothing.  I have been waiting paciently, but its been a really long time.