motorboating pedals, noise I can't figure out

Started by Unclerny, December 19, 2006, 08:02:25 AM

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Hi Forum, I've been building up a few pedals this month and I've had about 4 of them that I can hear what I would call motorboating if it was a tube amp.  tik tik tik tik tik tik... kind of thing.

I've went through to see if I'd changed any parts that may have been bad, ticking could be a cap but I don't think so.  I changed them all in pedal and it was still there.

I then realized that I've started using a new spool of wire, same company, model etc... but I can tell the insolation is different.  I changed the wires in the worst unit and it didn't go away until I used sheilded cable for the IN/OUT leads and this solved it.  I've never needed this before.  I just hope it's not a combonation of problem.

Anyone know what brand of wire is really good for low noise and where it can be found?  I'm thinking this is my main problem.

Uncle Ernie's Effects
One Man's Distortion is Another Man's Reality


The wire insulation is unlikely to be your problem. Maybe, but not likely.

Were the ticking pedals by any chance high gain JFET distortion pedals?

Or are you using the input jack for power switching?

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


Hi RG, yes they use the input jack to switch the battery.  Never seen that as a problem before.  Could you elaberate?

All the pedals were opamp distortions except one Ross comp.  I've been wondering if there may be some new electrical interference.  I've never had this level of problems by a long margin.

I'm taking one of them to a store today and use it there to illiminate my house and gear.

Uncle Ernie's Effects
One Man's Distortion is Another Man's Reality


Put a 100uf cap across the power supply if you don't have one there already. That usually fixes that kind of problem for me.


Quote from: mountainking on December 19, 2006, 02:59:28 PM
Put a 100uf cap across the power supply if you don't have one there already. That usually fixes that kind of problem for me.

SOP.  I've noticed there's a relationship to my guitar and distance.  If I get away from the pedal the noise goes away.  This has to be stray noise.
Uncle Ernie's Effects
One Man's Distortion is Another Man's Reality