Melos Effectmatic

Started by Bernardduur, January 04, 2007, 11:37:02 AM

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He all!

I just got this unit in for true bypassing and such....... The unit looks a lot like the Univox Effectmatic

Anyone got a schematic or such?? I am busy tracing it........ should make my work easier :)

The weird thing I now encounter; it uses 2 9V batteries but the batteries are in parallel........
Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account


 ???If batteries are parallel they eat each other I believe...


He probably means in series.  That would make it run on 18V, which is not uncommon.
"Sounds like a Fab Metal to me." -DougH


No no, they are in parallel
Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account


*giggles a little to himself at the thought of batteries eating each other*
Breadboards are as invaluable as underwear - and also need changed... -R.G.


It's the not so common 'push me pull you' Dr. Seus power supply method.


OK, here's the schematic!


As you can see it is just a close Mutron powered by 9V; must say it is a great envelope filter on guitar btw!
Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account

Sir H C

Two batteries in parallel is used to get the needed current capacity.  Better to run off an adaptor.


 Heh- that explains a mystery I ran into many moons ago. The only Mutron I ever played thru was old, beat, and squirrely as hell. It used 2 batteries. I took one out and tried it just for the hell of it. It still worked... now I know why!
I am not responsible for your imagination.


the batteries running in parallel will still product 9 volts. i don't know what is meant by eating each other? they won't drain each other's power or anything. it can give a higher current output though. and of course, the main advantage would be that it would last twice as long. what could possibly be using that from the circuit board i wonder?
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Yes, I tried it with only one battery and it worked perfectly; added the second battery "on-the-fly" and there was no increase or decrease of anything

So I guess they use 2 batteries to make the unit last longer
Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account


I have 3 of these :D

Monacor Effectmatic
Melos Effectmatic
Melos Funky Filter

The Funky Filter has a boss-type adapter input but with positive tip and no label saying so, so I burnt it the first day I had it  :-\
That's solved now, but the Monacor still has a problem, but when I turn the volume pot past 6/10 there's no output anymore, but there's nothing wrong with the pot  ???
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Quote from: DiscoFreq on January 05, 2007, 04:06:39 AM
That's solved now, but the Monacor still has a problem, but when I turn the volume pot past 6/10 there's no output anymore, but there's nothing wrong with the pot  ???
It may be due to super sonic oscillations through positive feedback. I read something about tube amps, when they go run-away in supersonic diapason, we, humans, perceive it as if the amplifier stops working, while in fact the supersonic oscillation just displaces all audio range... Maybe reduce gain on the input and increase on the output?

Mark Hammer

I now realize I also had one of these back in the late 70's.  I think I paid $25 for it, new.  Sold it along with my MXR Envelope Filter when I left for grad school.  I remember 2 batteries but I forget, or perhaps never knew, how they were connected.