anyone used these as indicator led?

Started by southtown, January 09, 2007, 10:10:10 AM

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I saw these on the Rapid site so I ordered a couple to try them out.
They are pretty cool, they flick between red green and blue.
The one i tested stuttered a little between transitions, and the red flickered slightly, but the do look cool, and certainly a lot better than a boring old red LED.


Sir H C

What is their current usage, RG Micro (IIRC) had some that did that a while back but used 80+ mA of current!


I've got one or two somewhere here. They'd annoy the hell out of me if I had them on my pedalboard



I have just put one in my newly built Rebote 2.5

Since building the Rebote I have been using pretty heavily 'cos it just sound so cool, but I have noticed that
the battery has gone flat fairly quickly. I was not sure if this was down to the pedal its self or the LED. I remember
I had a commercial delay pedal before and that was quite battery hungry. So its probably worth you checking the current consumption.

In terms of the LED I love it and have had a lot of positive comments from people who have seen me using it. It changes colour every 5 seconds and has not presented me with any problems at all knowing which pedal is which, even though by Rebote is Identical to my Tubescreamer in Box, layout and bare aluminium box design (they are like twins !) There's something about a sound repeating and the LED changing colour. Now if you could make it change in time with the repeats that would really be cool. I plan to run my pedals from a supply soon so the current draw wont be an issue, but I have a feeling you are going to get as many love it as hate it replies - is different a bad thing ?

Good luck

Hanging on in quiet desperation is the english way


each to their own i guess,
i was just perusing rapid to find something a little different to a standard plain coloured LED.
i think they look pretty cool!  ;D



They look cool in a sample/hold pedal (FSH1) ...  :icon_wink:

Sir H C

Okay here is the one at BG Micro.  90 mA.  That will kill a battery pretty quick, but if you are using some AC adaptors, they are darn cool.

jonathan perez

yeah, i use them in all my sunshine boxes.
no longer the battle of midway...(i left that band)...

i hate signatures with gear lists/crap for sale....

i am a wah pervert...ask away...


could they change the way a LED on an LFO flashes?

visit for info on (allmost) every effect in the world!


Two quick notes:

(1) They will run on a lot less than 80ma

(2) Because of the internal circuitry, they can add spikes to the power supply line that can show up in your output. Use a filter cap on the power supply.

regards, Jack


Yes, I've used a similar type at 20mA. I also have some that fade through different colours, no flicker, no interference. Very cool.


Resurrecting an old thread. I bought a similar LED (5mm, 7 colours auto-changing, 20mA, 3.5v typical, 4.5v max), however it is stuck on red. LED is in a Tubescreamer TS-7 and is using the stock 10k resistor. Does the voltage need to be within a certain range to make it cycle colours? Thanks in advance.  :)

You need more current.
If V is the forward voltage drop ( measure the voltage over the diod, I'm unfamiliar with these little bastards ).
Then with 10k you'll get ~5V/10k=500uA and 20mA is 40 times that.
You'll probably need 470R in there ( ~10mA ) or even less.





Quote from: Nasse on January 04, 2009, 05:54:08 AM
Really cool!  :)  I don't think it'll fit in a tubescreamer though!
And that link brought me to... a finnish radioshow?   ???  My finnish sucks, sorry...


Sorry for that bad link, I removed it, was my fault. There should have been a nasty video clip in the spirit "don´t try this at home" where they demo what happens when some idiot tries to fire an ordinary led candle and in the end the lithium battery explodes with lots of sparks and burning liquid plastic. (yes I was so stupid tried to fire one a year ago, and my wife´s mother did the same), totally off topic.

Perhaps such led could be less irritating if used to illuminate some plastic part or or used as fibre optics "driver"


Thanks everyone. Without measuring, I reckoned it should've been about a 220-270ohm resistor, but that seems alot smaller than values people normally use for LEDs in pedals. I will give this a go. Thanks.  :)