Best effects for a Tele?

Started by Gilles C, January 13, 2007, 11:44:16 PM

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Gilles C

Hi guys,

Long time no see... I'm been busy lately with some other projects, but I should be able to go back to effects building soon.

Now, one of the things that kept me busy for the last weeks is building myself a Telecaster. When it's finished, I want it to be my main axe for a while. That and adding a bit of Country to my playing seemed to have changed my requirements for guitar effects.

So, I was wondering... what would be the best effects to build for a Tele?

I know MarkM likes compressors... And I liked the Cattle Drive, which should sound good with my future Tele.

Any other effects?

Are there any other Tele oriented effects builders?...



Cliff Schecht

The real Orange Squeezer was a popular effect used by a lot of country artists, as it works wonders for giving every note an equal attack. I started learning a lot of rockabilly and western swing a few months ago and using the OS, I can be a bit more slack in my picking and still get a very even sounding note definition. It's also great for country chording where again, it's very balanced sound (although it makes every a touch brighter overall) is great. I would say start there, it's a subtle effect but I find it really makes the difference.


Tone Bender Mk II - Jimmy Page played a Tele in the beginning.

A bit more seriously, it seems like a ROG Professor Tweed might be a good idea if you don't have a Fender amp.

And I second the compressor.  If you play much clean guitar, a compressor makes a big difference.


  Sparkleboost, 'cause I just built one and it retains timbre real nice, would surely put a sparkle in the 'Tele spank', excellent all around booster.
    Congrats for deciding to build one !

Convention creates following, following creates convention.

Gilles C

Indeed, a compressor would seem like a logical choice...

I already have a Boss CS-3, but am not sure about the sound. I would prefer a DIY, and the OS could be the tone I'm looking for. Something vintage. Something Tele. Something I could hear on a recording or in a sound clip to relate to  ;)

I already have a Fender amp, so...

A Sparkleboost? never thought of it. Hummm, interesting also.

Oh, btw, I also still want to play Blues with it, not just try my hand at Country.

Thanks guys for these ideas.


Cliff Schecht

Honestly man, the OS sounds like exactly what you want. It's just a great all around effect and I'm sure you've heard it on a lot of recordings, it was a very popular effect from the 70's forward.

I know a lot of country guys that don't like the CS-3 because of the tone knob (amongst various other things), I know the CS-2 is a pretty popular effect amongst country guys.

Also you should consider a nice vintage sounding tremolo, it's another effect that I know of a lot of country guys using (Danny Gatton being my personal favorite).


Quote from: Gilles C on January 13, 2007, 11:44:16 PM

I know MarkM likes compressors...

Love 'em!
Guess I'm a tad crazy.
I would agree on the O/S suggestion, however sometimes "squish" is a required element for a given situation.
The DynaComp was industry standard for loads of Tele-Pickers in Nashville for many moons, even in Bakersfield too.
A Ross clone is okay too but, the more stripped sound of the DynaComp has more of the squishy Tele Twang.
O/S is Excellent for pedal-steel bends and slide!
It's really a tough main Squeeze is a DynaClone but, not always.  :icon_lol:

Gilles C

A tremolo... how did I forget that... I've been disconnected for too long. That's why I asked.

You're making it hard for me Mark. I could need to try more than one compressor. I also want to play slide in standard tuning with that Tele. I need changes in my life  :icon_twisted:


  Tele's known for high output attack, try an OS Comp., great sounding, 'transparent', see for layouts, there was mucho discussion on it ~lately, mods and alterations, I'd like to have mine do harder comp, but didn't catch that wave and mod my OS.
  To help you decide or confuse matters, there were some compressors discussed recently, one which had a few recent encarnations/derivitave was said to be compressing, simpler, then simple, then not too terribly complicated... and adjustable, looked like an interesting basic circuit to do compressing with, I think with some doing I could find the comp sound I like with it.
  Dyna comps harder, Ross is about the same but less LPFiltering, sounds like a compressor compressing...moreso with the 10uf change to 3u3 mod, that got it breathing harder.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


I refurbished my '72 Tele.  I found it in horrible shape in my parents basement where I left it when I was a teenager almost 20 years later I took it to my house and stuck in my basement and forgot about it.  When I was going to buy a new Tele I decided I would just rebuild my old one.  The only original parts are the frets neck and body.  I replaced all of the hardware.  Re-wired it with a 5 position switch and installed Fender dual coil noiseless pickups.  I stripped off the discolored blond paint and stained and poly coated it.  With the American Standard bridge and new tuning keys it looks and sounds brand new and plays better than ever.  Gotta love a Tele.
I think the OS sounds nice with it.  I also thought the Flatline worked great too.


Oldrocker, that is a beautiful guitar.  Strangely, I love 70s Fenders above all other Fenders.  Even if I bought a new one I'd have to buy a 70s imitation.  I love the headstock on the strats, and it seems like the lettering is different on the Teles, right?

Gilles C

Yep, you did a good job refurnising that Tele...

The So Simple Compressor must be the one you're talking about. It is said to have a sound of its own. A sound clip to compare it to the OS would have been nice...



1. Professor Tweed
2. EA Tremolo


The So-Simple comp is more of a limiter than a compressor for the most part.


Thanks for the compliments on the Tele refurb everyone.  I love the '70's Tele's the best also.  Before I decided to refurb my old one I went to the Guitar Center by my house and tried a few of the new Tele's they sell.  I wasn't that crazy about them.  They didn't play as good as I would've liked.  Maybe they needed some adjustments by a guitar tech or something.  Mine plays really nice.
As for the Simple Compressor I'm not sure which one that is.  The only comps I have are the FLatline, Orange Squeezer, and the DOD 280.  The DOD I like if I'm using heavy distortion or overdrive.  For clean guitar I use the other two.


BTW oldrocker....
That Tele does look real good!!
Nice job brother!  8)

Gilles C

That would be this one

But following markm's comment, the OS it will be...

I also like the vintage 70s Teles best. I tried a few Teles before deciding to build one. And that's why I would like to build some effects to go with that idea of vintage feeling.

Orange Squeezer
Professor Tweed
EA Tremolo
I'll have to try again the Ross Distortion I built so time ago and never used with my other guitars.



Quote from: Gilles C on January 14, 2007, 11:23:33 AM
I'll have to try again the Ross Distortion I built so time ago and never used with my other guitars.

I'd reccommend the OD250 as it sounds better to me than the Dist+.....just an opinion though.  :)


Thanks Markm,  no one knows more about compressors than you my friend.  Yes I like the DOD 250 too.  I use my 250 constantly.  I do like the Professor Tweed also since my rig is solid state mostly with my HB Flying V copy but sometimes with the Tele and it sounds great especially inline with a TS.


Quote from: oldrocker on January 14, 2007, 11:37:47 AM
Thanks Markm,  no one knows more about compressors than you my friend.

Sorry oldrocker but, I am far from the comp guru  :icon_rolleyes:
I wish I was and I have been messing with loads of 'em but, I gotta ways to go to be a guru.
I'm playin around with the Saffron Squeeze circuit right's got some potential.