very interesting "Boss And Fender Join Forces To Create Vintage Amp Pedals"

Started by jimbob, January 18, 2007, 03:46:59 PM

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Seems as though Boss and Fender are looking at the DIY sites and got thier idea for this from them. Esp with Runoffgroove emulations.
"I think somebody should come up with a way to breed a very large shrimp. That way, you could ride him, then after you camped at night, you could eat him. How about it, science?"


"They always say there's nothing new under the sun.  I think that that's a big copout..."  Wayne Shorter


that could be either amazing or laughably bad... I don't like it.
Built so far: ROG Ruby, matching pair of LPB2s, Mr. Clean, Easy Drive,
Next up: Bazz Fuss, ROG Grace Overdrive, Smashdrive.



Mark Hammer

As much as one is tempted to atribute such things to ROG, I think the various (though often feeble) attempts at amp emulations from Zoom, Tech 21/Sans Amp, and many others over the years probably got them thinking.  Just think back to how long ago people were installing switches labelled "Tweed", "California", etc.  If that weren't enough, Fender had gotten into blending different pre-amp structures into single amps, as have several other boutique amp manufacturers (e.g., Bogner, et al).  Hell, for that matter even the crappy little Behringer amps you get in the guitar starter packages at Radio Shack supposedly have amp models available at the flick of a switch.

The COSM stuff/engine has been around for at least a decade.  I'm sort of surprised that it took them this long to get around to using it for amp modelling.


Looks like Fender and Roland have been working on even something more than pedals...



Looked cool at first...but no digital for me.
My issue:
I don't care how fast your processer is....converting, processing, re-converting...takes time.
Your sound is delayed by milliseconds...causing it to hit the ears late...& get lost.
Lately my bass players have been running thru pods....results:
After blowing up a few heads...they can be loud enough to shake the room...
Ask BBE.  They delay muddy mids to make them *get outa the way*.
This old fart is raging a one man war against the digital revolution. issues w/digital echoes.....after definition....late is what yer after.
Ahhhh...but is the *dry* 1/2 of the sound really dry? 
Or is it converted but unproccessed?
Anyone know the answer to that???


hmmm. I liked that guitar better when it was called the Line 6 Variax.

Innovation indeed. :icon_rolleyes:
Built so far: ROG Ruby, matching pair of LPB2s, Mr. Clean, Easy Drive,
Next up: Bazz Fuss, ROG Grace Overdrive, Smashdrive.

jonathan perez

Quote from: coffyrock on January 18, 2007, 08:25:59 PM
hmmm. I liked that guitar better when it was called the Line 6 Variax.

Innovation indeed. :icon_rolleyes:

VG reminds me too much of VGV...THE BIG VGV GANG...

no? am i the only sad soul who had to sit through Boulevard Nights?
no longer the battle of midway...(i left that band)...

i hate signatures with gear lists/crap for sale....

i am a wah pervert...ask away...


digital.. pah..

digital sucks ass.. unfortunatly everyone is going to presume its the analog circuitry from the original amps..

very misleading..

they should be forced to put a warning sticker on them that reads "digital emulation that sort of sounds like.."


Rob Strand

I suppose Fender have been building-up their digital amp technology and Boss has the facilities to push out the pedals.  Not a bad move from a business point of view.  These days it often doesn't  pay to move too far off a companies core product line.

Send:     . .- .-. - .... / - --- / --. --- .-. -
According to the water analogy of electricity, transistor leakage is caused by holes.


IMO it's more like "Boss Finally Gets Licensed To Put The 'Fender' Brand Name On Their Pedals".
This kinda stuff isn't that new.


Quote from: ulysses on January 19, 2007, 02:03:52 AM
digital.. pah..

digital sucks ass.. unfortunatly everyone is going to presume its the analog circuitry from the original amps..

very misleading..

they should be forced to put a warning sticker on them that reads "digital emulation that sort of sounds like.."


Well it does say 'COSM' on the box and every conscious Boss fan should know it stands for their digital amp emulation system. I'd disregard any prejudices before I've actually tried the stompbox, because the Roland COSM-laden Cube amps have been getting lots of good reviews at TGP. I should mention the latter is full of vintage nuts with plenty of ol' Fenders to compare it to.

I am against digital revolution too (at least when it comes to rock'n'roll) I'm always trying to take a viewpoint of as few prejudices as possible.

Quote from: rockgardenlove on January 19, 2007, 03:17:35 AM
IMO it's more like "Boss Finally Gets Licensed To Put The 'Fender' Brand Name On Their Pedals".
This kinda stuff isn't that new.

It does seem like that, doesn't it? Well I'm sure Fender took part in the sound modelling or at least tested the pedal for sound genuinity, as they too have got a reputation to keep up.



I'm intrigued, to say the least. It'll be worth a listen. I'd rather see a dedicated pedal that focuses on a bassman or deluxe sound than a multi-fx that does several models INCLUDING a bassman and deluxe.
I'm sorry, but that 'bassman sound', however digital, in a stompbox has me interested. And including BF trem and reverb on the Deluxe has made that one a contender. (I already own a SRRI, but for someone that has an amp without reverb or trem, that's a nice little package)

Like it's been mentioned before, they're COSM digital models, not analog preamp emus like ROG. IMHO, they're looking to go head-to-head with Line6's single stompboxes; if these sell well, we may see others on the way.

Slightly OT, but I'm seriously interested in the Behringer 'discontinued Boss' clones. If they are decent, they'd be well worth rehousing (and modding) into a Hammond.

- Buck


"I want my meat burned, like St Joan. Bring me pickles and vicious mustards to pierce the tongue like Cardigan's Lancers.".

Mark Hammer

Quote from: Bucksears on January 19, 2007, 07:54:07 AM
I'm intrigued, to say the least. It'll be worth a listen. I'd rather see a dedicated pedal that focuses on a bassman or deluxe sound than a multi-fx that does several models INCLUDING a bassman and deluxe.
I'm sorry, but that 'bassman sound', however digital, in a stompbox has me interested. And including BF trem and reverb on the Deluxe has made that one a contender. (I already own a SRRI, but for someone that has an amp without reverb or trem, that's a nice little package)
Just remember that unlike a real Deluxe or Bassman, these pedals will ultimately be colored by the tone of whatever amp and speakers you play them through.  That's not to say they won't produce interesting and musically valid tones, but I don't think one of these puppies plugged into a $69 TDA2003-based 8W/8"-speaker amp is going to instantaneously sound like a BFDR or tweed Bassman.

As an aside, it's kind of pleasing to see a pedal that includes reverb and tremolo.


Eitherway- Ill probably (just for the hell of it) buy both the 59' and the reverb pedal (assuming thier at a fair decent price).
"I think somebody should come up with a way to breed a very large shrimp. That way, you could ride him, then after you camped at night, you could eat him. How about it, science?"


Quote from: jimbob on January 19, 2007, 03:40:52 PM
Eitherway- Ill probably (just for the hell of it) buy both the 59' and the reverb pedal (assuming thier at a fair decent price).

Somehow I really doubt they are. They put a whole COSM chip in there just for that one sim and Fender takes its fees too. I'm guessing they'll cost way above the current Boss pedals.


jonathan perez

i OFTEN see bassmans going at 300 bucks...that cant possibly be too much, is it?
no longer the battle of midway...(i left that band)...

i hate signatures with gear lists/crap for sale....

i am a wah pervert...ask away...