Vero layout for ExpAnon's Analog Bit Crusher?

Started by calculating_infinity, January 21, 2007, 01:11:56 AM

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Hey I know tcobretti has one but has anyone made one with 2 4558s?  I must really suck cause i cant get it to work on my breadboard im using a nte458 i got from a local electronics store and had to twist the pin for the layout.  I dunno why I cant get it to work, Im a world class idiot.  (noob)



I built this on breadboard and I had to change a couple of components to get it to work. Have a look at my post in this thread
If you've got an audio probe try poking around pins 1 and 7 of the oscillator opamp, you should get a high pitched sound that changes in pitch as you adjust the frequency pot. If you don't the oscillator isn't working.


Hey slacker, thanks for the advise.  I dont have an audio probe but I may as well build one as RG and Aron and many others suggest it.  I dont know if I am setting up the rails properly (9v and 0v).  still a new guy and have never really taken a class.  the internet can be hard to decypher sometimes.  Anyways Thanks again!
