Started by frickecello, January 23, 2007, 01:40:27 PM

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Let's see:

QuoteI found this schematic its from a crazy dutch guy called Louise Goedhoop,
Implies "I stumbled onto this schematic from some guy I don't know..."
Quoteguitar amplifier, that Goedhoop and me (Marcelo Fricke) designed and built for an university project,
" but really we were university buddies..."
Thats what we considered good and worked for our personal tastes, conventional wisdom was surpassed by engineering knowledge long before you were born.
CALM DOWN PEOPLE!!! you are not forced to build this thing  Wink so RELAX!  icon_mrgreen

How many DIYers are needed to change a lightbulb?Huh
R: 8, one to change it and 7 that consider they would have done it better and faster.  Grin
G & F
And now it's "we" "our" and "G&F".

This has the tone of a press release much more than some info to help out DIYers.

It may or may not work well, can't tell. But the tone of the postings makes me nuts.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


We didnt wanted to sound like "hey we have just discovered the holy grail", we were excited and very happy with the results, but anyway I think this is making more trouble than help, I will remove those files, we wanted to get some subjective feedback on the circuit, not just personal opinions:  :-\

Quote from: R.G. on January 24, 2007, 01:20:19 AM
Let's see:

QuoteI found this schematic its from a crazy dutch guy called Louise Goedhoop,
Implies "I stumbled onto this schematic from some guy I don't know..."
Quoteguitar amplifier, that Goedhoop and me (Marcelo Fricke) designed and built for an university project,
" but really we were university buddies..."
Thats what we considered good and worked for our personal tastes, conventional wisdom was surpassed by engineering knowledge long before you were born.
CALM DOWN PEOPLE!!! you are not forced to build this thing  Wink so RELAX!  icon_mrgreen

How many DIYers are needed to change a lightbulb?Huh
R: 8, one to change it and 7 that consider they would have done it better and faster.  Grin
G & F
And now it's "we" "our" and "G&F".

This has the tone of a press release much more than some info to help out DIYers.

It may or may not work well, can't tell. But the tone of the postings makes me nuts.

In the future we will share the final design with all the new ideas we are currently working on (digital reverb and delay/echo effects using TI DSP chips)....




Let's see:

- " but really we were university buddies..."

Actually we are very good friends not just "university buddies", we share the same dorm... same computer, same amp. We are exchange students from the Netherlands studying (and having fun with local girls) in Mexico for one year, the NHGD was a project for a contest held within local mexican universities, however it didnt had much digital circuitry, just a digital volume control so we lost miserably.

- And now it's "we" "our" and "G&F".

G&F its our last names first letter arranged like a company name, Goedhoop & Fricke. I think it sounds cool.

Louise Goedhoop

Auke Haarsma

c'mon guys relax. I have great respect for R.G., but it is just his opinion. You sound like enthousiasts (en dat kan ik me goed voorstellen :P -soz, dutchies hehe). Please keep posting about this circuit, but do it in a modest/DIY-style of way ;) (wat jullie al doen naar mijn mening).


I agree that the postings should be more about technical aspects, but some of the postings have been about those things.  The response from the author of the work has been to say "Relax".  Whilst relaxation is a good thing, it's not really relevant.

Some of the technical issues are (in my opinion):
it won't work with that 220 ohm resistor in the power supply  (maybe it's supposed to be 2.2ohms?  That would be about right.)
that LM7806 in the power supply isn't up to the job being asked of it (and having a 6.3VAC transformer tap doesn't prevent rectifying and filtering or regulating the voltage to about 12 V DC.  This should have significant benefits in terms of reducing hum.)
If these issues are fixed, then it might have annoying noise or oscillation issues for average builders.  But these issues are certainly not insurmountable, and are probably worth discussing if this is going to be built by anyone who is not an expert.

Please try to take these criticisms in a positive light and as a means of possibly improving the design.
Hopefully, everyone has a better frame of mind by now....
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)