Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 & Deluxe Memoryman?????

Started by AC30Dirty, February 18, 2007, 05:50:45 AM

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Hey Guys, does anybody here know if I could safely run a Deluxe Memoryman to the Courtesy AC outlet that's located on the Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2? I know the DMM uses a 24V adaptor but, I don't see why it couldn't work. The AC outlet is there to power effects that came with a AC cable attached to it instead of an adaptor. Any info???


I found out I can set the dip switches on the bottom of the pedal to BOSS ACA setting and that changes to 12V. So I can make a cable in series to wire 2 spots from the Voodoo Lab PP2 to equal 24V. The only thing with that is that I run my FD2 at 18V and if i do this with both of these pedals there won't be enough spots to power the rest of my board. Does anybody have info about the courtest AC outlet????


Well just incase anbody was wondering about this; I contacted voodoo lab about this and they assured me that running the DMM with its adaptor to the courtesy AC outlet is totaly safe. Just thought i'd post it. :)