Mod: Aria AEQ-1 Parametric EQ

Started by voidar, February 23, 2007, 06:19:18 PM

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This is quite some obscure pedal, and any information on it is hard to find.
I got mine off of eBay.

I've moded it for 18V operation, and it seems to help some in giving some more boost and headroom.
The pedal is based on a TL074 Op-amp, and you have controlls for level, frequency, q and gain.

Thing is, I can max out the level without getting any distortion from it, but when I get somewhat past 3:00 on gain with frequency set to mid (around 500Hz) it starts to fart out. 18V helped a bit, but I think there is something in the design hindering further clean boosting.

Any ideas?



John Lyons

Are you sure it isn't just the amp cliping with the that frequency boosted?
Is the 12:00 position flat or is flat with the gain knob all the way down?


Basic Audio Pedals


I am pretty sure it is the amp is clipping. Not the amp driven with the level pot, but the amp driven with the EQ.
Specs say input shouldn't exceed +/- 15V. However the amp can operate at 18V.
I left a voltage divider in there, so it's running at about  17,5V. I thought that sounded better than 18V, but I am not sure, hehe. Francly, the headroom seems the same as when I ran the pedal at 15V earlier in the experiment.

I think the boost/cut is flat somewhere, as I remember cutting frequencies with it. Not sure if it is at 12:00, but could be.

But that could mean I can mod it for boost operation only, right, or at least shift the balance?

I'll try to draw up a schematic soon. It's not too complicated, and I don't have to include the on/off switching-/LED-circuits.