markm mod/Jacks mos boost qustion...POPS!

Started by m_charles, February 27, 2007, 01:24:01 PM

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Hi Guys,

I built Jacks boost, with mark's mods. Run the bs170 at full gain (no 5k pot) with a 100k on the output. Sounds wonderful! I know what you mean by "twangy" now mark...

one problem. Can't get rid of a big "POP" when switching the effect on.

1) First off, I'm using a DPDT with a 2n3904, 330k setup (Analog Alchemy) for the LED switching. I've used this many times without problems or pops as long as the out pot is 100k or less. 

2) I'm using 9.1M pulldowns on the in's and outs. I have always used these (got a big bag of 9.1M's a while back), and they have always cured any pop problem without fail.

3) I did a search here, and saw a suggestion that the output pulldown be lowerd to 100k, but that seems weird. Haven't tried this yet.

4) went over the circuit several times and am confident there are no mistakes. I DID bias the Mosfet to around 4.7v using a 100k trim in place of the 62k.

Any suggestions? I'm kinda stumped on this one.




My thoughts are the 9.1M maybe just a bit too big to cure the pop.
1M or 2.2M maybe?  ???