Building Neovibe...which one?

Started by momo, March 08, 2007, 09:46:34 PM

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Hello all, Ive finally decided to do the awsome neovibe, I have done alot of research and so the main question would be, Is there a defenitive version that is the best build?, also im planning of also building the spyder power supply and so, Im not shure if there is an "external power supply" mode for this build  since its not 9vdc.
"Alas to those who die with their song still in them."

John Lyons

The only version of the Neovibe I know of is at GGG and that is a liknk to GEOfex.
Which others are there. Or are you thinking of versions of the Univibe?
If so then build the Neovibe as it sounds best compared to the Easyvibe as far as I've heard.


Basic Audio Pedals


It is possible that momo is referring to the fact that there have been several versions of the Neovibe PCB. Over the years I have updated the Neovibe PCB several times. A couple of the early ones were to correct errors, some later ones were to make packaging easier.

If that is the case momo, there is no difference. The circuit for which the PCB was designed has not changed, and they will all sound the same if built properly. The best thing to do is build the most current one from General Guitar Gadgets, which licenses my PCB layout, as that version has all of the physical updates included.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


R.G thanks for the info, the reason I asked was because of all the "upgrades" I read on the Neovibe, it seems that there have been test about changing certain values of components to modify the build, anyway, Ill do the GGG one. Any special recomendations about the led's setup? This will be my first build. I do have years of experience is soldering and tinkering to fix up electronics, maybe could anyone tell me what is the hardest part in the build?, when I look at a finished one, populating the board seem pretty strait forward.
Oh and I will build it is this enclosure!  the board fits perfectly inside,!

"Alas to those who die with their song still in them."


Quote from: momo on March 09, 2007, 08:53:36 AM
maybe could anyone tell me what is the hardest part in the build?

IMHO, the hardest part in a vibe build is the "fine-tuning"...

The build itself is indeed very straightforward, but if you are not very lucky with some parts, making that LFO oscillate might get tricky.

There's nothing wrong with the design of the pcb or the scematics (if you got the latest version).

My recommendation would be to use metal film resistors (at least in the LFO part), and if you have problems with the LFO try 1uF film caps.

That's how i managed to make it oscillate.

btw, that's a very unique enclosure!...  :icon_cool:

Good luck and enjoy! :)         


Hey thanks alderbody for the input, I will start the thing and see where I end up! I have started recycling electronics to give them a new life and I must say that this is totally addictive! If I pull the Neovibe off good, Im shure I will want to do more!... totally awsome to realize that you can give yourself the "Manufacturer Power" by doing these builds yourself!
I dismantled a 50's era projector(checked the collector vibe first and there are alot of these available so I did not feel too bad ripping this art piece apart!)
Besides the funky enclosures I got, the real treasure was the vintage Grey Tiger wax caps that are awsome in my guitar/wah wah!

So I will bw looking forward in building a Spyder Power supply, effects loop, and possibly some effect housed in a wah pedal. here are some pics of the other enclosures that I would like to use. Any ideas?

and here are the wax caps!

"Alas to those who die with their song still in them."


Is that an old Ibanez wah? All those things could be a tight fit...


Quote from: Roobin on March 09, 2007, 02:57:00 PM
Is that an old Ibanez wah? All those things could be a tight fit...
I have a vox v847 and changed the sweep cap with one of my wax caps..... it sort of hangs higher than the rest on the board!
"Alas to those who die with their song still in them."


I really like those wax caps.

great find!



Thanks Alderbody, I dont want to highjack the thread but here is a little info on the caps...I took an old guit cable,cut it to 2 feet, exposed the leads, and tested each cap with my guit wired strait to volume with no tone connection, so that would represent the tone pot all the way at 10. I ended up using the Grey Tiger(cigar diameter!) 0.005 uF cap. Now this is awsome, I can get 3 different tones on the pot taper!, starts of rolling high end, midway some low-mids settle in, and then the bomb....when the tone pot is fully used at 10, there is a drastic change in the low end and I get this great Niel Young muted fat distortion!...and that get even more funky if I use a fuzzface or similar after the guitar(I have a Diaz Square Face). There is something going on at 10 because even listening with a clean signal no effects and yes there is distortion going thru the cap at 10!
I have a Grey Tiger 0.002(the biggest one in the picture) that had me guessing as to which cap I would use. This one has personality!, its more accentuated in the mid section, not quacky like the "Condensor corporation' ones...yellow caps in the pic. I found the yellow caps to have less or no coloration in the sound, exept for the 0.01 caps that had a quacky ring to it, that is the one I used in my Vox wha to modify the sweep cap. That was the cherry on top, that wah was already modified with a handmade inductor,other resisitors,ect, and I was pleased with it. Only now with this wax cap in it, now I get that great vomit throat like that "Do you feel like we do" sound. Im actually now looking for that same exact projector I dismantled to get me more!
Sorry for going off course with this thread!
Here is a picture of the tight fit cigar shaped 0.005 Grey Tiger cap, you also see a 0.0012 Mica Domino cap for the treble bleed mod.

"Alas to those who die with their song still in them."