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Weird pedals

Started by mattpocket, March 23, 2007, 04:27:39 AM

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A friend of mine has asked me to build him a weird and wonderful pedal. Something that completely destroys the sound of anything that passes throgh it. Maybe with body contacts (for pitching/volume), optical thermins, theremin controls. Or just something really strange. To give you an idea what he likes he already has something similar to the Pungent Bzzz and he creams over Zvex's Fuzz Probe all the time! haha

Any suggestions for what I could make him?

Built: LofoMofo, Dist+, Active AB Box, GGG 4 Channel Mixer, ROG Omega
On the Bench:Random Number Generator, ROG Multi-face, Speak & Spell
My Pop-Punk Band -


hi matt,

buy one of these voice changer toys, adapt it for guitar, put a pot in place of the resistor that sets the sampling frequency and you have a really weird effect with lots of options:

something like these:

I made one from this:


black mariah


The voice changer idea sounds cool...

Keep em coming!
Built: LofoMofo, Dist+, Active AB Box, GGG 4 Channel Mixer, ROG Omega
On the Bench:Random Number Generator, ROG Multi-face, Speak & Spell
My Pop-Punk Band -


...there's lots of info on t'internet about bent sounds/circuit bending. You'd be amazed how angry and evil a Speak-and-Spell can get with a bit of surgery. :-)....bending existing noise boxes is definitely a good suggestion for weird, unique effects....


jonathan perez

no longer the battle of midway...(i left that band)...

i hate signatures with gear lists/crap for sale....

i am a wah pervert...ask away...

black mariah


Yeah I suggested bending to him, and noise makers. He already has a speak and spell. He is looking for something for guitar now. A tough customer.
Built: LofoMofo, Dist+, Active AB Box, GGG 4 Channel Mixer, ROG Omega
On the Bench:Random Number Generator, ROG Multi-face, Speak & Spell
My Pop-Punk Band -


...I guess you need to find a noise box that has a means to process incoming audio then, rather than just a noise maker. Shame. I have a friend who's got a Speak and Math that sounds like it's a means of communicating with the devil - albiet a devil that's really into mate does an amusing 'number of the beast' joke cover version with it... :)


Parallel Universe
Thing Modulator
Noise567 (circuit written with an LDR)
Hysteresis Oscillator
Crash Sync

any of these (and any pedal, for that matter) can use LDRs in place of any pot.  as for body contacts, get your circuit bending face on and start touching around!

good luck, and welcome to, in my opinion, the most interesting part of our hobby.  forget boring fuzzes.  noise!
my band.                    my DIY page.                    my solo music.


oh, yeah.  he might like a feedback looper, as well.
my band.                    my DIY page.                    my solo music.


body contact stuff.....reminds me of the ludicrous midi-control suit I saw in Sound on Sound a while back.....imagine going on stage with that thing.....spinal tap for the new millennium...


Quote from: krachbox on March 23, 2007, 04:44:57 AM
hi matt,

buy one of these voice changer toys, adapt it for guitar, put a pot in place of the resistor that sets the sampling frequency and you have a really weird effect with lots of options:

something like these:

I made one from this:


the velleman kit is the same as the dean hazelwanter pitchshifter at, btw.

you could also try building a pedal, maybe fuzz/distortion? and trying some "bends" within the circuit for some fun weird sounds.  i do it all the time...


Quote from: choklitlove on March 23, 2007, 08:27:08 AM
oh, yeah.  he might like a feedback looper, as well.

what does the feedback looper do? give me an example of where i'd use it

Built: LofoMofo, Dist+, Active AB Box, GGG 4 Channel Mixer, ROG Omega
On the Bench:Random Number Generator, ROG Multi-face, Speak & Spell
My Pop-Punk Band -


           Can anyone tell me how to adapt the voice changer or any other noise making toy, etc. to work with a guitar signal?  someone mentioned this in this thread but I wasn't aware that such a thing was possible without a good deal of there a way to do this?


er...not sure, but I would guess that, seeing as there's an internal mic in a voice changer, it would involve modifying the existing mic input to a guitar input - not too difficult I guess - you'd maybe need to add a basic preamp circuit. Then you could fiddle with the output end of the cicuit to bypass any internal speaker or whatever and come out to a jack instead. Setting in and out impedences would be required I guess, but others would be in a better position to advise on that than me....



with the one I modified I just put a fuzz circuit in front of it and it worked. the output uses a 386 opamp anyway, so I just hooked an output jack to it and that's it.

The Tone God

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Christine (which can self oscillate), Blade (Crossover simulation), Forsaken (which has a touch control feature).



Octavia. Sick enuff with a guitar. Pull the plug out of the guitar and just work the controls for more disease.

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The Random Number Generator - it a weird random arpeggiator fuzz for guitar.  I didn't design it, but there's a schem and vero layout in my gallery.

Also, I think there's a v2 floating around with more controls.