What's up with the Layouts Gallery??

Started by markm, March 26, 2007, 08:35:40 PM

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Anyone else having trouble with the gallery?
Tried to get in there and a message appears;

"Account for domain aronnelson.com has been suspended"

Anyone else experiencing this or did Aron pull the plug on me?  :icon_eek:


I think its the whole thing, not just you personally. 

The page that comes up is strangely Frank Loyd Wright-ish.  Its an attack from an architecture forum!



I just got my parts in from smallbear and get to the layouts gallery, and well....shit.  Anyone have the perf layout to the Red llama?  I began constructing the circuit from the perf layout that has the chip centered near the middle with the diode running parallel right up against it.  It would be really appreciated!.


Quote from: mcasey1 on March 26, 2007, 09:06:22 PM
I just got my parts in from smallbear and get to the layouts gallery, and well....shit.  Anyone have the perf layout to the Red llama?  I began constructing the circuit from the perf layout that has the chip centered near the middle with the diode running parallel right up against it.  It would be really appreciated!.

Was it mine??


No it wasnt, I wish I had done yours.  I didnt know this would happen.  Thanks anyways.


Quote from: mcasey1 on March 26, 2007, 09:09:15 PM
No it wasnt, I wish I had done yours.  I didnt know this would happen.  Thanks anyways.



No offense, its a fine layout.  I just didnt have a big enough board.   :-\



Oh well.  Mark, I found your OS layout on DIY fever!  Im in the process of using that layout so that will keep me company tonight!  Pray this all gets straightened out.


Let's hope....I have more stuff to do in there!  :icon_exclaim: