rocktave this working??

Started by swt, March 31, 2007, 08:55:41 AM

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Hi guys!!. I've just finished the rocktave divider as in ggg, from dean. It's working, but i'm still getting sputtering, octave skipping in some places, and some type of static noise. Also...the clean signal is just a little higher in volume from the bypass signal (true bypass, not using the internal switch), but the fuzz and octaves are really loud, i can only turn the pots 1/4 of the rotation, and get really loud signals, and the original clean one gets lots. Is this ok?. maybe too hot of a signal is causing problems. Any ideas how to troubleshoot this one?. thanks a lot!!.
PS: voltages??


Quote from: swt on March 31, 2007, 08:55:41 AM
Also...the clean signal is just a little higher in volume from the bypass signal (true bypass, not using the internal switch), but the fuzz and octaves are really loud, i can only turn the pots 1/4 of the rotation, and get really loud signals, and the original clean one gets lots. Is this ok?

Mine does this too. I think the fuzz and octave loudness is normal. Turn down the simple tone control and you lose quite a bit of signal. I did the mod for bringing the clean signal down some, unity as suggested in the article was a tiny bit too quiet for me so I used some in between value for R17. I also put switchable cap's at C6 (tone cap). I don't recognise the bad tracking behaviour though. Granted, it is still a little picky regarding  signal type and playing technique but over all less than other octavers. I put a 100k trimmer at R22 in order to have some tracking adjustment, but I find that with a fresh set of strings and keeping with the neck pickup mostly, I don't have to deviate from the original 47k setting. Different guitars really have different sets of overtones in different places of the neck too. Learned that the hard way when fooling with synth type circuits.
