Axis Face Debug - HELP!

Started by enigmur, April 14, 2007, 12:09:17 AM

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I'd end up with being able to set in way too much gain, but that's okay/
  There's some relationship to this and the gain bypass capacitor, I like to have the gain range to just barely over the top of useful, in case I get a weak pickup as source.
  But I often add a booster to the front end, that multiplies the gain.
  It sounds like crap with my wah - if I tilt my wah back it squeals with that ocillation. A fuzz that sounds bad with wah just sucks. The wah doesnt really have much effect on the fuzz either.

  There's a buncha threads on wah w/fuzz fixes, perhaps starting a second thread..
  but the impedance mismatch of wah to FF...can be improved [which improves response to treadling the wah], using a buffer, or anything that improves the impedance match [booster seems to work], like any boss pedal between FF>wah.
  2nd it is really really loud, it sounds best with volume maxed but it is waaaay too loud compared to clean. Its like there is something boosting the signal way too much in there and I'm not sure what...
  not sure exactly what's what with the description but...
  Boosting the BP'd signal or attenuating the FF signal is about all I can figure. Did you use a 'larger 470ohm' [between the collector resistors], this boosts overall volume output. I've seen values ranging from 330 to 1k5 there, you could try parallel resisting [pot and clips or...] across that resistor to make it's value smaller.
  Tuning a FF for the response you want is...just that, most of the parts on the board make a difference when the value is altered, even a little. And the circuit does have it's limitations.
  Gain settings, pregain settings [pregain knob = guitar volume knob in the way they are wired and work], gain of the transistors...voicing, buffereing for wah..adding pre or post boost.
  I've been using the Rocket alot, alone and...turning it's output volume up loud into a Mosfet which has output volume set Lower than unity, that gets good grindy fuzz, but nearer unity @ clean sound.
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