Thanks To Aron & All At DIY , Octavia Success !

Started by Easywider, May 05, 2007, 03:02:13 PM

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just wanted to Thank You guys Once more for a successful Build , like i said before , without You guys , it never would have happened , plus , i'am learing alot as i go , maybe one day , i could design my own circuit , sure that will be long in the future , don't even know how to read schematics  :icon_redface:! Lots of good people here , & glad i can be around such greatness , just wanting to build all the pedals id like to use in my rig , & so far , it's working out great ! hopefully one day , i can give advice to other builders/help them like i was helped , when i gain more knowledge !

Best To All & Thanks ! !  :icon_mrgreen:


That's GREAT !!
Even though my skills have developed way passed "noob" status, it still brings a huge smile
to my face when a cool sounding circuit WORKS  ! :D
Hope that it was the same for your octavia.

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
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