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Boss DD-3 Mods

Started by nephsuperman, May 10, 2007, 11:32:03 AM

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Old topic I know, but was wondering if anyone had tried fitting a 'centre off' DPDT switch when doing the hi-cut mod as descirbed above? That way the original sound of the pedal can still be experienced if so desired. I think Keeley do this, one side switches in something like a .22uF cap, the other a .47uF cap, and middle being 'off'?


I did mine with a simple ON/OFF switch; OFF being no high cut (stock sound) and ON switching in the cap for a high cut.

You could also do it with an ON/OFF/ON switch to give two different "levels" of cut while still having the option of stock sound.

And yes, I am pretty sure that is what Keeley and Analogman do, though I've never seen any of their mods myself.

-- T. G. --
"A man works hard all week to keep his pants off all weekend." - Captain Eugene Harold "Armor Abs" Krabs


the ON/OFF/ON switch is also what comes in the Monte Allums DD2/3 kit


I did this mod a while back, and I really do love it. HOWEVER, I think that rather than adding a cap to ground from the feedback pot, removing the high-pass cap in series with the feedback resistor will produce roughly the same effect, with more volume. I think it should also allow for self oscillation with the high-cut switched in.
I'm loath to change my mod, because it works so well, but if anybody wants to give that a try let me know!


Can an effects loop be added to the dd5?


Quote from: sevenisthenumber on June 05, 2008, 09:08:55 AM
Can an effects loop be added to the dd5?

Certainly not as easily as on the DD-2/3. The DD-5 doesn't have an internal analog feedback loop; it handles the regeneration (feedback) digitally. You can find a schematic and discussion here.

You could, I guess, hardwire the DD-5 to provide only one digital repeat and build your own analog feedback path around it, but at that point you might as well look into the Rebote or Echobase projects discussed on these forums.

-- T. G. --
"A man works hard all week to keep his pants off all weekend." - Captain Eugene Harold "Armor Abs" Krabs


Bringing an old one back to life...

Does anyone know of a mod on the DD-3 to create a 'reverse' function... someone asked me if I could help them with their pedal - they are looking for a mod that would basically eliminate the original signal to help give the illusion of a reverse sound....

if my explanation makes no sense at all, please let me know and i'll try again.

"I've traveled the world and never seen a statue of a critic."    -  Leonard Bernstein


Looks like I get to be the nay-sayer on this thread...

The "reverse" mod doesn't work on the DD-3, only the DD-5. The 5 has a REVERSE mode which the 3 does not. With the stock DD-5, however, the original note is always present along with the reverse playback. What Analog Mike and others do is install a "kill switch" that removes the original note so you only hear the reverse playback.

Modifying a DD-3 to play the recorded signal in reverse would be really difficult, if not impossible, as the function is hard-coded in the big controller chip I believe.

-- T. G. --
"A man works hard all week to keep his pants off all weekend." - Captain Eugene Harold "Armor Abs" Krabs


thanks for the info Tommy - I will relay this to my buddy.

- chris

"I've traveled the world and never seen a statue of a critic."    -  Leonard Bernstein