Orange Sunshine fuzz build question.

Started by skiraly017, May 27, 2007, 01:43:44 AM

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I built an Orange Sunshine fuzz using the schematic found here and Andrew Carrell's layout found here. Based on the schematic (and if I'm reading correctly) I think Andrew's layout may be missing a trace between R2 and R3 as I could not get the pedal to work without that connection. Once made, the pedal fired right up. On the whole I like this fuzz. One knob, one sound and no BS. My question is this...why does the fuzz decay so quickly? It has a great sound until you try to hold a note or chord and then it dies out with little or no sustain. I only subbed one part (500k linear pot as I did not have an audio taper on hand) and I used 2N2222's for Q1/Q2. I even tried swapping out the trannies but ended up with the same result. I have never played a real one so I have nothing to compare it to. Any thoughts on this? Thanks.
"Why do things that happen to stupid people keep happening to me?" - Homer Simpson


>On the whole I like this fuzz. One knob, one sound and no BS. My question is this...why does the fuzz decay so quickly? It has a great sound until you try to hold a note or chord and then it dies out with little or no sustain.

There is no knob on the original and it sounds correct. The real version is more of a torn/broken speaker/ratty "something" so it sounds correct.

The one I have, has no "great sound" IMO. More of an effect to switch on and get nasty sounds.
