bazz fuss volume drop?

Started by foxfire, May 28, 2007, 01:37:40 PM

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i built the original version using a 2n5089 yesterday and noticed a drop in volume with it turned on. i added a second 1n914 in parallel to try  get more volume. didn't help much. i also added a 0.1uf cap in parallel to the 0.1uf output cap. that did get me a bit more volume. with this set up it sounds more like a distortion than a fuzz.i also tried a 4.7uf in the output and got plenty of volume but not much fuzz. one other thing that i noticed while i was testing it was that with the amp on and the pedal plugged in to it, when i unplugged the input cord from the pedal my amp started th hum badly. like when you short it out with your fingers. i'm thinking i must have screwed up my wiring since there aren't that many parts to screw up?


never mind on the hum issue. i checked it again and the hum when the pedal is in bypass without a input cable plugged in is the same as when i unplug the output cable from the pedal. i wasn't execting this pedal to sound great, but i haven't seen any posts about a volume drop so i figured i'd ask.


so with a 3.3uf output cap i get good volume, but i noticed while rolling down the guitars vol the the signal gos dead at about half way. is this normal?