Help needed with the Heart Throb Tremolo

Started by Hiwatt25, June 07, 2007, 07:44:18 PM

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I wired up the Heart Throb this evening but when I plugged it in I got a big nada.  Before I start measuring voltages I figured I'd ask about my first hunch which is transistor orientation.  I don't have a schematic, just MarkM's layout so there is a chance that I've got them in wrong.  Does anyone (maybe Mark?) know how they should be oriented as relates to the layout?  Here's the link.

If it turns out that the tranny's are in correctly, I'll return to the, "what to do when it doesn't work" method but I'd wager this is a quicky. 

Also, square pads indicate the positive side of electrolytics, right?

Thanks in advance.


For MarkM's layouts the transistors are orientated the way its pictures.  Flat side = flatside.  Square pads = posi yes.  Have fun.


Hmmm, okay.  Time to start measuring voltages I guess.  Thanks for the input.


Quote from: Hiwatt25 on June 07, 2007, 08:07:08 PM
Hmmm, okay.  Time to start measuring voltages I guess.  Thanks for the input.

Not yet.....
I'd double check the offboard wiring and look for ANY solder bridges that have be sure all of the wiring is hooked up correctly as some of the locations are a bit awkward on the board.
Look for a trace connection -or- solder bridge under C4, those pads are close.


Okay, this one is defying my attempts to troubleshoot it.  I've looked for and found a solder bridge (first ever) and fixed that.  I hooked everything back up and was very careful to do so correctly.  I double checked after everything was set up and all seemed as it should.  Also, the capacitors are all oriented correctly.

Here's the weird part
When I plug my guitar into the tremolo I can hear an uneffected signal through my amp BUT only if I don't connect the ground lug of the input/output jack to ground.  Once I do, I can't hear anything AT ALL.  Total silence.

The positive side of the battery is hooked directly to the board, the negative side is connected to the ground plane on the board.  The two ground lugs of the jacks are connected via an alligator clip and that's when I can hear my guitar. 

I've measured voltages on the tranny's and get basically nothing.  Once in a while I'll get a mv or so but nothing I'd expect to see. 

I don't even no how to start troulbeshooting this if I can't get any voltages on the tranny's.  I'm stumped.   


Quite odd.  :icon_confused:
My thoughts on this, and this is no reflection on you Joe,
1) Dead Battery?
2) Input is actually wired to the ground plane because the pads are easily confused?
    (I know.....I've done it before myself!  :icon_redface:)
    The Ground, Input, and Lug 1 pad of "Dwell" are right next to each other, please just make sure those are wired correctly.
    IMO sounds as if the input is wired to Lug 1 of "Dwell"...........
3) The jacks are perhaps wired incorrectly?
4) Only I have been able to build this and enjoy it's warm, warbley tone...... :(


Okay, I stepped away from the Heart Throb last night as I felt myself getting angry.  I watched an episode of Mad TV and went to bed.  I woke up, read Mark's recent post and decided to give it one more go before work...(yeah, the word obsess has been thrown around my house a few times).  What I found to be really helpful is turning the amp up loud enough to hear the effect you're hoping to create.  STUPID!

At any rate, this thing is awesome and as it turns out...dead quite.  Thanks AGAIN Mark.  I can't wait to get this thing in an enclosure.  The switch is a nice feature, this thing goes from subtle to total wobble in the flick of a switch.  Aside from me not turning my amp up loud enough to hear it, this was a quick and easy build.  Give it a shot.


Y'know Joe, I think we're all guilty of doing something like that at some time......
I like this circuit ALOT and feel it deserves a bit more attention as it can do the EA thing PLUS it can to the choppy thing and BOTH with much more depth than the EA.

Congratulations and enjoy it.  :)


Quote from: Hiwatt25 on June 08, 2007, 06:10:38 AM
Okay, I stepped away from the Heart Throb last night as I felt myself getting angry.  I watched an episode of Mad TV and went to bed.  I woke up, read Mark's recent post and decided to give it one more go before work...(yeah, the word obsess has been thrown around my house a few times).  What I found to be really helpful is turning the amp up loud enough to hear the effect you're hoping to create.  STUPID!

At any rate, this thing is awesome and as it turns out...dead quite.  Thanks AGAIN Mark.  I can't wait to get this thing in an enclosure.  The switch is a nice feature, this thing goes from subtle to total wobble in the flick of a switch.  Aside from me not turning my amp up loud enough to hear it, this was a quick and easy build.  Give it a shot.
:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:

It happened to me last night with a Green Muff clone.  At first the volume wasn't working right... I could hear the sound and everything, but the BMP volume had to be maxed and my amp had to be very loud.  Then I checked back the board, to realise I had soldered 2 mpf102 instead of the 2n5089 (yeah I gotta clean up the desk).  Then put back the right parts, same volume thing again... I was freaking out...

10 min of wondering what the hell was going on, I had but back the amp at 0 and forgot it there.

It works like a charm.
DIY Poser.


The worst I've done is wondering why the heck the circuit's not working only to discover......the IC isn't in the socket......
It's on the DAMN BENCH!  :icon_redface:


Mark, I etched many of your PnPs yesterday, including this one (heart throb), dreamy creamer, and the soul preacher.  They are awesome transfers! 

BTW... I take the gif, send it in MSword and crop it to 50%... is it the right size?  I believe it is because I drilled with a #60 bit and everything went fine.
DIY Poser.


Thanks for the support!
It does sound correct to me, just make sure the pins line up on IC's etc.
Sometimes I'll print a "dummy" printout just to make sure the spacing is correct.


The whole process has gotten even easier since Mark started including dimensions on his layouts.  I use a laser printer that let's me shrink to any percent so I open Mark's layout, hit the print button and resize it to a percent that seems reasonable.  Once it prints, I lay a ruler on the dimension line that Mark includes.  If two inches equals two inches, I'm good to go.  I'm getting good at judging the correct percent to resize the layouts and only end up doing a couple of dry runs.

When I find the right size, I note it on the print out and file it in my Layouts folder.  If I ever decide to duplicate a MarkM layout (I have) all the info is right at hand.

Mark is in charge! 

BTW Mark, if you ever happen upon a six foot tall red headed woman screaming wildly about a missing husband, that's my wife.  She wants to know why you've kept me in the garage so long.  ;)


how is the sound compared to the ea trem?



Quote from: Hiwatt25 on June 08, 2007, 12:50:41 PM
BTW Mark, if you ever happen upon a six foot tall red headed woman screaming wildly about a missing husband, that's my wife.  She wants to know why you've kept me in the garage so long.  ;)

I'm crazy about Redheads!!  :icon_lol:


Quote from: markm on June 08, 2007, 08:27:42 AM
Y'know Joe, I think we're all guilty of doing something like that at some time......
I like this circuit ALOT and feel it deserves a bit more attention as it can do the EA thing PLUS it can to the choppy thing and BOTH with much more depth than the EA.

Congratulations and enjoy it.  :)

Mark have you built the Pulsar? If so how does it compare?


John Lyons

Well at least it's behind you now... FUnny now that you figured out the amp was on 0...!

It would be cool to have a tremolo shoot out. I'd host it....anyone....?
Tremulus Lune, Heart throb, EA, etc etc.

I'm going to building up the hearthrob here soon so I can make clips of it and the Tremulus at least.


Basic Audio Pedals


Quote from: vanessa on June 08, 2007, 03:12:10 PM
Quote from: markm on June 08, 2007, 08:27:42 AM
Y'know Joe, I think we're all guilty of doing something like that at some time......
I like this circuit ALOT and feel it deserves a bit more attention as it can do the EA thing PLUS it can to the choppy thing and BOTH with much more depth than the EA.

Congratulations and enjoy it.  :)

Mark have you built the Pulsar? If so how does it compare?


I have built the Pulsar from Tonepad and find that the Hearthrob CAN do the chop like the Pulsar, NOT identical though but, I think it comes close.
Funny that you mention the Pulsar as I have a layout for it but have yet to test it or post it mainly because I had to jumper the emitter on the last tranny and wanted to see if I could avoid it.  :-\
I'm starting to think though I may "run with it" though.....I mean, even R.G. and TP use jumpers!!

Quote from: John Lyons on June 08, 2007, 03:42:42 PM
Well at least it's behind you now... FUnny now that you figured out the amp was on 0...!

It would be cool to have a tremolo shoot out. I'd host it....anyone....?
Tremulus Lune, Heart throb, EA, etc etc.

I'm going to building up the hearthrob here soon so I can make clips of it and the Tremulus at least.


That's a FABULOUS idea John, I think a Trem shootout would be a great addition for you AND US!!  8)

John Lyons

Ok cool mark. Seems like there is always interest in tremolo and depth, and sound questions concerning a few different models...
I know I've bugged you about doing clips in the past... maybe you can get someone to record you with their gear??
I'll try to get some clips done with the Tremulus and hearththrob when I get it done.
I wasn't that great at guitar before but now that I've had this table saw accident (second finger tip ...yes, fetting hand!) I'm going to have to approach it differently...

If anyone else has a clip of a tremolo (usuall suspects) I'll post it as well.


Basic Audio Pedals


Quote from: jlullo on June 08, 2007, 01:19:06 PM
how is the sound compared to the ea trem?


It's loads different.  Mind you I've only used it for a half hour or so and that's while it's connected to pots and switches via alligator leads.  I try not to be too rough on them until they're acutally boxed up.  That said, I played it next to my EA and the depth is no contest.  I actually have to back the depth on the heart throb down in order to get more of my guitar through.  Not so with the EA.  With the switch engaged and at full speed, the heart throb is pretty whacky and though it may sound like BS it kinda borders on vibrato.  Hopefully, Mark will back me up on that cause I know it may sound hard to believe.  The throb can get into the EA territory too.  I set it pretty deep with the speed set slow enough that when my wife heard it she said, "ugh, that makes me feel sea sick".  Hand to god.  I've never heard the Lune but this is a very versatile pedal in my opinion.  I'll hang on to my EA but it's moving off of my pedal board.  I've got an old PN-2 and it's still my favorite because after all I can REALLY throw sound around the room with the pan feature.  However, I covet the thing so much I only break it out from time to time for fear that I'll break it some day.  Long story short, it is totally worth the time to make one of these.  Oh, and the EA can be real picky depending on the components you use.  No such problem with the Throb. Hope that helps.

Quote from: John Lyons on June 08, 2007, 03:42:42 PM

It would be cool to have a tremolo shoot out. I'd host it....anyone....?
Tremulus Lune, Heart throb, EA, etc etc.


I'd love to record some clips of my EA, the Heart Throb and even my PN-2 if you guys would be interested.  I've got a fire pod, Cubase and some cheap Studio projects mics just aching to get used.  I'd need help with posting the clips and honestly that's why I've never posted clips in the past.  I just don't know how.  Plus my chops are really dull and likely not much fun to listen too.  I'd wager the clips would all be of the "House of the rising sun" variety.  Lemme know.