Hollis Ultra Flanger quasi build report

Started by mdh, June 24, 2007, 01:36:34 AM

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I have an Ultra Flanger (http://www.hollis.co.uk/john/ultraflanger3.jpg) hooked up to my test rig right now, and I thought I'd pass on some of my observations, and follow up with some questions.  I built it according to R.G.'s layout on GEOFEX, except that I redrew it a bit to accomodate the footprints of my trimmers.

1. At first I tried to use a 3.9V zener for the LFO bias network.  I could only get it to work by reducing the current limiting resistor from 10k to 220.  That's kind of a lot of current, so I took out the zener and went with the 2 LEDs plus 1 Si diode option.

2. Yes, it ticks.  The LEDs in the bias network flicker along with the LFO, so I guess this is the typical high current draw ticking LFO problem.  I used an LM358 for the LFO, which was tick-free in the Small Clone I built last weekend.  Of course it's not in a box, and the leads are long, so I suppose it might behave better when it's in a box without wires flying all over the place.

3. Maxing the regen pot causes a squealing oscillation.  I think I'll try upping the feedback limiting resistor a bit to keep this under control.

4. I don't have a clear idea of what the "Manual" pot does, except that it sweeps or flanges or whatever if I turn it while playing.  Seems like there are rocker pedal possibilities here.  Otherwise it seems sort of redundant and interactive with the sweep pot.

I've been able to get chorus and flanger sounds out of it, though I like the Small Clone better for chorus.  I was hoping for deeper and more dramatic flanger sounds on slower rates, but maybe I'm expecting too much.  There are some pretty crazy sounds available with regen on the edge of squealing, fast rates, and wide sweeps.

I think I have read just about all of the Ultra Flanger threads, and my experiences seem to be pretty typical.  I know oldrocker has had good experiences with the Ultra Flanger... so man, if you read this, what are some of your favorite settings?  Just curious.


I got some DECENT flanger sounds out of mine, albeit quite noisy, so I'm not quite satisfied with it. Too small a range of sounds for the complexity of the build and quality of the sound. That being said, I'm loving my Hollis Easyvibe.
I've been in 'flanger-obsessive' mode lately and have had my hands on a few discontinued items to base a deciscion on: Ibanez FL301DX, Maxon FL301 and an Ibanez FL99 Classic Flange. The FL99 is the best of the bunch so far; more versatile, quieter than the Maxon, more intense than the FL301DX.

- Buck


mine have no problems at all using 062 at the LFO..the only thing that bothers me is that when I use it in front of a distortion, it boosts the distortion signal alot and its so annoyingly loud for me.

I just want this to be in unity gain. how?any?