Psychtar and SSWSMS PCB layouts required

Started by Austin73, July 14, 2007, 09:53:22 AM

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Does anybody have a working PCB layout for Tim's Psychtar and Super Simple Square Wave Made Simpler?


Bazz Fuss, Red LLama, Harmonic Jerkulator, LoFo MoFo, NPN Boost, Bronx Cheer, AB Box, Dual Loop, Crash Sync


As it happens I was in the middle of doing a Psychtar layout for myself. It will have to wait til tomorrow for confirmation. In the meantime if anyone could give it the once over to see if there`s anything I missed it would be much appreciated. Might save me a few tears aswell.

The main area of doubt for me is the switching and I`m also not convinced about the placement of C5.

The original schematic can be found here.

Near the bottom of the page.


Just thought I`d give this a quick nudge before committing to it. I realise it`s probably old hat to a lot of forum members but some newbies might appreciate a PCB layout and you wouldn`t want a grown man to cry now would you?


Had a quick look at it last night and compared it to the schem , seems to be good except like you I can never work out the switch thing. Will ask one of my friends just to check over again then I'll be back to you


Bazz Fuss, Red LLama, Harmonic Jerkulator, LoFo MoFo, NPN Boost, Bronx Cheer, AB Box, Dual Loop, Crash Sync


I`m just about to etch the PCB. I`ll keep you posted.


Right, don`t know if you`re still interested as it`s been a while and it has taken me longer than anticipated but there is now a working layout in the gallery.

When I say working I need to add the caveat that I still have some doubts. The switching definitely works and swaps between the recognized " sitar" sound and another distinctive sound. This is where my doubts come in. I didn`t have any 1n34 diodes so I just threw in whatever I had to hand. I can`t remember but I think they are 1n914`s. This resulted in a rich, responsive fuzz sound. All fine. The problem is, today I noticed they were in the wrong way round as indicated by the schematic so I desoldered them and oriented them correctly. In doing so I managed to lift a few traces and basically make a hash of the board. I`m really not sure if what I`m now getting is the way it should sound.

What I will say in conclusion is that with the right components I am pretty confident it will work. I`ve ordered some correct diodes and I`m going to etch another board. Full report to follow.