MultiMeter directions

Started by foozertone, July 29, 2007, 06:53:48 PM

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I purchased a super low budget meter (DT-830b) and I don't think it ever came with instructions or else I lost them. I know how to you some basic things but I'd like to know more about the transistor tester and diode test. Can anyone link to some kind of multimeter FAQ/Tutorial?




Try Google (?)
On most meters, if you set the dial to diode test, place the black probe on the cathode (band end) and red probe on the anode.  The result is the Vf, forward voltage.
For trannies, there is usually a slot for "EBC"...emitter, base, collector.  You place those legs of the tranny in there, set the dial to NPN or PNP depending on the type of tranny, and you get the Hfe, gain of the transistor.

For more on forward voltage or transistor gain, look up "basic electronics tutorial" on Google!
Hope this points you in a good direction...

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Rob Strand

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According to the water analogy of electricity, transistor leakage is caused by holes.