Phase 45 Univibed Layout?

Started by BillyB, July 30, 2007, 08:31:33 AM

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Anyone know of a layout for the Univibed/Modded Phase 45?  I remember a vero layout a while ago.  Anyone still have that, or a PCB version?

The schematic is here:



I'm not sure but, aren't there mods for the tonepad layout?
Thought I saw something about this awhile ago......maybe even at tonepad?
Not sure though.


Didnt see anything about the mods on Tonepad.


Torchy had one in his gallery.  I've got it, but I'm not sure if it's cool to post it...


If you would PM it to me I would be very grateful.  Im sure he would be fine with PMing it at least.


Nevermind... I found it.  I had saved Torchy's whole layout folder haha


Quote from: snoof on July 30, 2007, 11:59:06 AM
Torchy had one in his gallery.  I've got it, but I'm not sure if it's cool to post it...

Maybe that's what I was thinking of?
Well, have fun Billy......maybe I should add this to my "to-do" list for PCB's?  ;)


Like I said Mark, found it in my Torchy Layout File on my comp haha.  I think he had zipped it and is was somewhere (may have been on his page on Indyguitarist a while ago).

I may have a layout for you to do in the future sometime  ;) .

Billy  ;)


As I recall Torchys layout was really big.
i would love to see you, Mark, do a PCB of this circuit!

Take care,
