Help me from destroying my PCB

Started by foozertone, August 06, 2007, 07:01:05 PM

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I'm working on a GGG Distortion Plus which is my first project. I populated the board and all. I wired the pots and 3dpt. Now not only does the effect do nothing, even the true bypass is intermittent. I've been trying to redo the joints from the board to the outboard components but I can't get the solder to stick. Maybe I screwed up but when I wired it up I had to ream the holes for the wires to fit in. I used 22g wire 9from Radio Shack) and the holes were barely big enough for a component lead. This is actually my second attempt at making a pedal as my first attempt ended by me killing a board for a Paia Fuzz. I've got the patience but I don't see what I'm doing wrong. Making these pedals would be like a dream come true. I'm beginning to think I can't do it. Someone tell me how to save this project.




There's good info in this thread about debugging:
It will help you come up with the relevant info to post so the more experienced builders can help you out. If there is still copper on the board then you should be able to still solder to it. I would recommended trimming the wires, re-tinning them, remove old contaminated solder from the board pads, and trying again.
If it ain't broke... will be soon.


Since the bypass doesn't work the wiring is wrong... so check the wiring again!
Maybe there is nothing wrong with the D+...   ;)


EDIT: Post some beautiful pictures so we all can join in   :o :o :o :o :o ::)


Quote from: oskar on August 06, 2007, 07:46:38 PM
EDIT: Post some beautiful pictures so we all can join in   :o :o :o :o :o ::)

Yes, some pictures will help us to see what is happening.

CG :icon_eek:


yeah again pics would be very helpful.
Nick Landt


I don't know if I can help, but I had a similar problem on my first build because of how I wired my grounds.
I would suggest checking how you wired the grounds if even the bypass doesn't work.

Best wishes for your first build!   :)


Is the OP still around? It sounds like you might have removed the solder pads when you drilled out the holes.


I decimated all the spots for outboard wires by reaming them all the way up to 18ga. The copper pads are history and I assume this is detrimental. Well that's three pedals down. Hope I can eventually build one.

Thanks to everyone for their heelp esp Jerry at GGG.



Quote from: foozertone on August 07, 2007, 09:15:00 PM
I decimated all the spots for outboard wires by reaming them all the way up to 18ga. The copper pads are history and I assume this is detrimental. Well that's three pedals down. Hope I can eventually build one.

Wait, that PCB is probably still usable. If the solder pad is gone, you can solder the components to the trace or even the next closest solder pad, depending on what the circuit looks like. Can you post pics?


And you can follow the coppertrace till you bump into a component leg and solder your against it...
Don't throw away pcb's.!    :'(


Next time you use thicker wire try this :
Use spare component lead and solder into the small PCB hole, leave 1cm poking out
Twist this into a small loop tight up against the PCB and push your thicker wire through - pre tinned
loop the wire around this small loop and solder !
Should be almost indestructable connection.
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
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I gave up on those boards but thank you all for your suggestions. I'm now working on a EA Tremel;o using the right materials. Hopefully I can build this one.

