Boss CE-1 replication help needed

Started by jakebrown5, August 13, 2007, 07:03:09 PM

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Hi all,

First post here at DIYstompboxes....  I'm looking for some help with putting together a 100% spec-accurate CE-1 (schematic at  I understand there are some nice clones out there of the CE-1, but I'm a purist and really don't have the money. :)  I'm planning on an exact translation of the schematic above, and it's going well. 

Here's where I'm at:

-I found suppliers for all the obsolete op-amps, PNP/NPN transistors, and the 1S1555 diodes.
-I found a suitable zener diode for the power supply (15V, 200mA)
-I'm using OrCAD to create the PCB layout.
-I'll fit it all in a Hammond 1590DD enclosure (7.4" x 4.7" x 1.3")

So right now I'm stuck on the JFETs--Q11, Q12, and Q13--what can I use for those? 2SK30's seem to be pretty popular in old effect pedal switching circuits, but I don't know enough about electronics to determine whether they will work here or not.  Again, I'm sticking 100% to the schematic, and those are the only unlabeled parts.

Thanks for any help- expect sound clips/pedal porn if this turns out!


I may be getting a busted one sometime soon, if I do, I can definitely look for you.

Jackie Treehorn

2SK30AY in my old CE-1.

Did you see the big PCB pictures I posted here?


Quote from: Jackie Treehorn on August 13, 2007, 09:10:53 PM
2SK30AY in my old CE-1.

Did you see the big PCB pictures I posted here?

Yea, they were a great help.  I was able to decode the colors on the resistors to confirm what I read from the schematic.  Were all three FETs 2SK30AY's?  Just wanted to make absolute sure before I order them.  Thanks for your reply.

Jackie Treehorn

Yes, all three.  There's a 2.2k resistor between a leg of the fet and the board.  If you look close at the picture, you'll see it.


You must be seeing Q13.  I think I see it......part of a pair, near wires 22 and 23?  I think I see a resistor coming off the leg of another transistor--the one straight in from wires 7 and 8?


What would you guys Q3/Q4 and Q5/Q6 need to be matched? 

And for the transistors, the leg with the arrow is always the emitter leg?  I'm a little confused about the FETs, as the Source and Drain aren't labeled.  Can someone enlighten me?
