Cutting stripboards..

Started by mnordbye, August 14, 2007, 08:37:03 AM

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How do you cut your stripboards down to the wanted size? I'm having trouble making it neat and just the right size.

Magnus N
General tone addict
Deaf Audio at Facebook


Cut them deeply with a razor knife a few times both sides and especially make sure you've got through the copper strips, press a metal edge ruler over the score line and......snap!

This has been covered...searchy, seachy!


Thanks, i guess i'll have to snap a whole length then.. I'll try it out.

Magnus N
General tone addict
Deaf Audio at Facebook




Snapping it doesn't make it very neat in my opinion. I've tried scissors and it kind of works but kills the scissors and leaves a rough edge. It might take longer and more effort but using a hacksaw is by far the best method I've found.
"If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut"  Words of Albert Einstein


I've used both a dremel, and scoring/snapping, both worked great.  Dust is the bad part of using the dremel though...


 All of the above methods will work...

I like to do them quickly and without any mess.
If you score both sides properly, then firmly press down with a metal edge ruler you will get a clean snap, much like cutting a tile.
Scoring weakly, on only one side or not holding a solid edge while you snap may result in some unevenness.
You can give it a quick scrape with a blade down each side if you wish.
You can have a board ready to roll in 2 minutes.
This is the quickest and easiest method to me.


If you have access to a band saw, that works as well or better than any other method.  Fast too.