New build problems... opamp gets REALLY hot

Started by NeveSSL, August 16, 2007, 12:05:01 PM

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Hi all!

I just put together a new TS808 based on the GGG board. 

When I turn it on, it makes some weird noises.  The level knob works (noise increases as level gets turned up).  I can't remember if the tone works or not.

The interesting thing is that my opamp begins heating up as soon as you plug in power to the pedal and gets REALLY hot.  I've not let it get super hot yet because I don't want to kill it, but it gets too warm to touch.

Any thoughts?  I double checked all of my component values, but I could have a bad one or have one that I've applied too much heat to and is screwing up the bias maybe.

Any and all help is MUCH appreciated!



You have a grounding issue.  The + is touching the ground somewhere.  Check for solder bridges on the board and make sure that you havent got your batery wires crossed. 


I checked all of my solder joints twice.  Hmmmm....

I will check again.  I may have just missed something (as usual ;) ).  Thanks for the reply!



Maker sure your IC isnt backwards.  I am not sure it it would cause the IC to get hot but it could.  Try another one if you have it if you are sure everything is correct


I'm pretty positive its not backwards.  It could be, and putting it in backwards could potentially make it hot I suppose.  Biasing the wrong legs the wrong way... heh.

I'll double check again when I get home from work.



If the power connection on an opamp is reversed, it usually dies very fast. This problem sounds more like the output terminal is shorted (or overloaded).
Pin 1&7 should be at half the battery voltage. If this is not the case, there is a short to ground (or +).
Else it can be a bad opamp.