Boutique effects = DIY projects

Started by jakenold, August 27, 2007, 03:13:49 PM

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Quote from: caress on August 28, 2007, 08:55:49 AM
not 100% sure, but i think all of the mg effects are diy projects.

alien booster = rangemaster
fuzzyland = fuzzface
mgmuffeliz = big muff
mono vibe = easy vibe
thats echo folks = ad3208 delay
the drive = bsiab2
tonetender = tonebendermkII

i'm sure the other ones are also projects, i just don't know those circuits...a marshall-in-a-box?  the creamy?  come on...even their graphics are take-offs from other products and logos.  hmm ::)

humm ROG projects  ::) Thunderchief and Eighteen  :icon_eek:


Well, here's what we "do" know....

He has several violations of trademark infringement

And here's what we "don't" know....

What's inside his pedals, other than one with a BSIAB2 board. Therefore, we should probably stop with the speculations and accusations....maybe they are DIY projects what ?  Maybe they are his own what ? Until FACTS are known, then accusations and speculation are just "assumptions"...and you know what happens when we assume.....


I'm not sure I see what the big deal is. Sounds like business as usual. I guy that sells stuff is out sourcing parts for his products. He buys PCBs from JD, parts from Mouser (or where ever) assembles them and sells them? What's the problem?

If the effects he was selling contained patented ideas there might be a problem there. There might also be a problem with reselling PCB artwork. But I doubt that JD would not want to sell more PCBs. Why would he not want this guy to buy as many PCBs he wanted?  Same for Tonepad.

The artwork on teh boxes might be a problem. But I think there is room for fair use. These obviously parody rather than make someone think they are getting a Big Mac or a Coke.


Quote from: soggybag on August 28, 2007, 11:36:04 AM
I'm not sure I see what the big deal is. Sounds like business as usual. I guy that sells stuff is out sourcing parts for his products. He buys PCBs from JD, parts from Mouser (or where ever) assembles them and sells them? What's the problem?

There is no problem.

Thats why I mentioned
Quotemaybe they are DIY projects what ?

You are 100%, right on the money.

We spend far too much time attempting to find fault in others, instead of trying to improve ourselves. Unless one of us owns Coca Cola, McDonalds, or Warner Brothers, then we needn't worry about it. I fall into the trap sometimes too.


I think there exist far worse copyright infringments than what we see from these guys.
I will say though, I think some of the names and artwork are very creative and I myself like 'em!!
This sounds familiar but, Very Cool for DIY  8),
Not Very Cool to sell!


In Brazil (MG pedals is a brazilian company) there's no problem if you copy something. I mean, have you guys seen what Meteoro Amps have done? They have copied the Mesa/Boogie V-Twin.
The circuit is exactly the same.

So there's no problem that MG copies other circuits, I guess.


I think it's been discussed here before, if I remember correctly, you can only patent a circuit design. The process is expensive and difficult. The art on the PCB can be copyright, which is much easier.


well, i know from my friend (she have work in the trademark law and all this stuff) that this:
is illegal, you cannot copy a trademark.
But if Mc Donald know and don't care, it's not a problem,
but if they dont know about it and find it, they will certainly do something, they have lawyer working for them, and they will do something UNLESS  the law cannot be apply in Brezil (i dont know if the law is applicable there)

p.s.: from my point of view .....i dont give a s*** about it....
Long live the music.....


I believe the example you linked to, using the M logo, would be allowable according to "fair use" terms.

But I`m no expert.


These pedals are tasteless and silly.
Check out my NEW DIY site -

nag hammadi

Quote from: soulsonic on August 28, 2007, 06:20:02 PM
These pedals are tasteless and silly.

i think they taste pretty good.    ;D
in the face of you all i stand defiant - subhumans



Trademark is protected by law in Brazil. IF they want, Mc Donald's, Coca-Cola, or Gessy Lever or Mesa Boogie can take this guy out of business. They problably have not noticed it yet. Perhaps for MESA it's a little more complicated because they don't have a branch in Brazil, only an official importer. I know specially Coca-Cola and McDonalds have zero tolerance for this kind of thing, even if they are not in the stompbox business :), they feel it can harm their image.


I think those boxes look great!

And the day I start worrying about the problems Coca Cola or McDonals or whatever may have, please shoot me :icon_twisted:!

He can always say it is a "McDowells" logo  :icon_biggrin: :icon_cool:

Eramos tan pobres!


Quote from: bioroids on August 29, 2007, 08:34:18 AM
I think those boxes look great!

And the day I start worrying about the problems Coca Cola or McDonals or whatever may have, please shoot me :icon_twisted:!

He can always say it is a "McDowells" logo  :icon_biggrin: :icon_cool:


very well put, sir.


Quote from: Dragonfly on August 28, 2007, 11:26:52 AM
...and you know what happens when we assume.....
You make an ass out of Uma Thurman!
Help build our Wiki!

alex frias

I saw the Meteoro Pedal and Mesa pedal guts.
Some similarities, but not the same.
Even the sounds are quite different.
Pagan and happy!


Quote from: Dave_B on August 29, 2007, 09:50:30 AM
Quote from: Dragonfly on August 28, 2007, 11:26:52 AM
...and you know what happens when we assume.....
You make an ass out of Uma Thurman!

OT, but,  hello Dave, from a fellow Kansas Citian  ;)


Quote from: soggybag on August 28, 2007, 03:10:41 PM
I think it's been discussed here before, if I remember correctly, you can only patent a circuit design. The process is expensive and difficult. The art on the PCB can be copyright, which is much easier.

I beleive this to be true as well.
You know what is strange about all of this?
People are bitching about this guy using JD's PCBs and Selling them in his effects, but no one here seems to look at the LARGE amount of fellow forumites whom etch PCBs from the Layouts Gallery here and sell them to other members of the forum?
Why is that?
I've seen my boards trading hands Numerous times for cash in the for-sale area and even posts about it in the forum and nobody seems to think this is a bad thing so, why then say this guy is "bad" for selling his well decorated and constructed DIY stuff?
Is this a Double-Standard?  ???


Only thing i think is ridiculous is the mojo hype attached to theses effects and the price tag, after all there available to anyone for under $50 if they make it themselves.

Other than that i couldn't care less, but we all know the boutique industry is based on mojo lies don't we?!?!?!?!

I do anyways and i know some of you do too.