Tonemender Preamp (Mods)

Started by blindsjc, September 11, 2007, 11:16:40 PM

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I was reading some comments about the use
of Tonemender as amplifier preamp. So, the
idea is to change the first opamp, wired as a
voltage follower to a non-inverting amplifier.

Thats the discussion:
Q) In schematic of tonemender, why is the first opamp wired as
a voltage follower? Isnt  there any gain needed for input of my preamp?
Can (should) I wire this as a normally non-inverting opamp to get bit of gain?

R) Yes, you should: The following tonestack is passive and
will introduce insertion losses. Insertion losses on low amplitude
signal mean added noise.

Tonemender project:

Finally, somebody have some more information about
this mod? Somebody knows how to define the best amount
of gain to take advantage from this mod? Any additional info?

Thnaks a lot


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