Why does my Electra distortion not work?

Started by pardonmybass, October 11, 2007, 06:07:51 PM

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i followed pcb and schematic here  http://www.geocities.com/j4_student/beginners.htm
upon testing the peal for the first no sound came through
could it be that i used a 2.2 k-ohm resistor instead using the correct 2.2M resistor

please help me out here


Quotecould it be that i used a 2.2 k-ohm resistor instead using the correct 2.2M resistor




That would be a very good place to start. I would change
that first and see what happens. If the problem is still there
give us some more info about the problem and someone should
be able to help


  Yupp, that'd pull the base voltage up hard toward V+, and make very low input impedance.
  That resistor needs to be 'big', 470k+ might work, maybe add the two biggest resistor values you have in series there.
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