Has anyone sucessfully subbed a CA3080 with a NTE996?

Started by skiraly017, October 24, 2007, 09:43:12 AM

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Mouser claims it's cross-reference and the important specs seem to line up on the datasheets. Just wondering if anyone's tried it. Thanks.
"Why do things that happen to stupid people keep happening to me?" - Homer Simpson

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

I haven't done it, but the NTE996 is just a rebadged (and priced up) CA3080 or LM3080.
Definitive article on OTAs here: http://www.till.com/blog/archives/2005/06/last_of_the_ota.html

note Smallbear has CA3080 for $2.50.
jameco has them for a bit more.


"Why do things that happen to stupid people keep happening to me?" - Homer Simpson


Yes I have, they are the same chip, and by same chip I mean, when you hold it to the light correctly, you can see that they just painted over the CA3080 and its possible to read the original mark.
Since when is 3/4 of the way up "cranked"?


The death of the CA line of chips, not just the CA3080, is one of the most devastating things to happen, in my view. Beyond the 3080, there were a ton of interesting chips in that series. A lot of matched transsitor chips, differential amps with matched transistors, PNP and NPN on the same chip. Amazing things for building you own custom op amp...

Now, sadly, they are gone...


Jay Doyle

Paul Marossy

I used an NTE996 chip in a project with no problems. I could also see that it was originally marked as a CA3080.