New Effect Verified: Bass Grinder

Started by mnordbye, November 12, 2007, 04:20:38 PM

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The Bass Grinder is my first (working) design, inspired by the Bazz Fuzz. It's really a bazz fuss (thanks ROG!) with a switchable booster in front. J201 in the booster, mpsa13 in the grinder.. Give it a try!  ;)

Layout (strip):
Sound Sample:

When it comes to the sample, it's connected like this:

Bass guitar --> Bass Grinder --> Peavey ValveKing 1x12" with slight adjutsments by the Sonic Maximizer in the effects-loop. It's not a bass amp, but you get the general idea..

And don't bother so much about the overall compression either. The soundcard really kicks in and shows it's crappy quality.  :D

Let me hear what you think, and enjoy the muddyness.  ;D

Magnus Nordbye
General tone addict
Deaf Audio at Facebook


General tone addict
Deaf Audio at Facebook



"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."


Yeah sounds good! as far as we can hear it through all the soundcard compression as you mention. It looks and sounds exactly like erm a bazz fuss with a booster in front of it  :-X Hehehehe..


That's exactly what it is!  :D Just changed some of the component values in the fuzz circuit. I found that my bass guitar compressed too much with lower input caps than 10uF.

Magnus N
General tone addict
Deaf Audio at Facebook