Expanding the TS-9 Tone Control

Started by amz-fx, November 12, 2007, 09:55:30 PM

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New article that I posted today....



regards, Jack


Great article as always.

Thanks Jack.


Mark Hammer

1) Thank you.  I have grown weary of typing out explanations of that control, and those initial two ictures saved me several thousand words. :icon_biggrin:

2) VERY clever ideas with respect to just changing the location of a few nodes.  Some nice out-of-the-box thinking on your part.  Hard to do when the circuit in question is a classic and people can't imagine it any other way.

3) It had never occurred to me until seeing it redrawn this way, how close a relative the TS tone control was of the SWTC.

4) The Maxon precursors to the TS-808 included an OD-805 (num?) that reversed the order of the tone and gain stages, such that the tone control preceded the gain/clipping stage.  Seeing these circuit suggestions, and particularly considering their more powerful tone-shaping possibilities, kind of makes you wonder whether there is still some life in the earlier version of the basic circuit, or perhaps some sort of perverse combination of pre-clip tone stage plus post-clip tone stage.  Who knows, maybe this is a solution to the mid-hump/bass-thinning problem that so many have tried to ameliorate.


Good stuff - thanks, Jack; your Lab Notebook continues to grow in wealth, girth - and value.


Interesting reading as always - I'll have to try those out.



Great read.  I never tire of your articles, Jack.  They've helped me out more than once in my adventures.  Thanks for sharing all that you do.



Interesting stuff. I reckon you could build a killer pedal based just on the stuff in the AMZ labs.


I just updated the article with a couple of other configurations, including one interesting two-band one-knob control  :icon_biggrin:


regards, Jack


I liked the wah inductor idea! Is there any component to change to shift the frequency of the mids dip/spike? What would be the equation to achieve the desired frequency?



Great stuff Jack - as usual !!  :icon_wink:
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
My Website www.martinlister.com


Quote from: YouAre on November 15, 2007, 03:56:15 AM
I liked the wah inductor idea! Is there any component to change to shift the frequency of the mids dip/spike? What would be the equation to achieve the desired frequency?

The info you want is now in the article.



jack - great stuff - sending you a PM about something...


Quote from: amz-fx on November 15, 2007, 08:43:55 AM

The info you want is now in the article.


Thanks! I believe you said in one of your articles about the TS that the corner frequency of the TS mid hump is about 750hz (if it wasn't your article, I apologize). Would you say that's about right?

Also, I calculated what it would take to get about 750hz. A .9uf cap (a 1uf and .1uf cap in series works) would get about 740-750hz (depends on tolerance of cap and wah inductor!) for anyone that's interested.


Quote from: YouAre on November 15, 2007, 12:35:29 PM
A .9uf cap (a 1uf and .1uf cap in series works) would get about 740-750hz (depends on tolerance of cap and wah inductor!) for anyone that's interested.

A 1uf and 0.1uF in series will be about 0.09uF

Series capacitance = (C1*C2)/(C1+C2)  = 0.1uF/1.1uF = 0.09uF   :icon_smile:

regards, Jack


Quote from: amz-fx on November 15, 2007, 10:28:10 PM
Quote from: YouAre on November 15, 2007, 12:35:29 PM
A .9uf cap (a 1uf and .1uf cap in series works) would get about 740-750hz (depends on tolerance of cap and wah inductor!) for anyone that's interested.

A 1uf and 0.1uF in series will be about 0.09uF

Series capacitance = (C1*C2)/(C1+C2)  = 0.1uF/1.1uF = 0.09uF   :icon_smile:

regards, Jack

i made a typo in there somewhere....i'll fix it later. haha sorry


My Apologies, I knew it was a .09 uf cap, i just made a typo with .9 by mistake.

But a .09uf cap will yield the 750 hz according to that equation.

Still, is that close to the right frequency of the screamer's nasally middy character?


Quote from: amz-fx on November 16, 2007, 06:29:57 PM
You are probably thinking about this article:


regards, Jack

ah yes! my apologies for mixing them up. But would you say 750hz is a good frequency to go for?


sorry to bump an old thread but..

i tried to implement the inductor tone control with MarkM's od808 layout (the tone control layout as described in the original article was the same as on the maxon). I don't think i get as pronounced of a midrange boost or cut as i would like with the new control. I used a .09 uf cap. How pronounced should the cut/boost be?

come to think of it....i might have used the 20k G taper pot that smallbear sells. Should i use a 25k linear pot instead?

Also, is it possible to add another pot so that i have the stock tone control as well? Ideally, i'd like the tone control and the mid cut/boost knob.
