Building GGG Rams Head

Started by msurdin, November 13, 2007, 07:57:32 PM

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Hey Guys,

I was just wondering if anyone has built GGG's Rams head BMP Version.
I have heard some of these are a tad bit off and was just wondering how it would compare or how close it would get to the original...




There are probably several of each BMP simply due to inconsistencies over the years, etc., but Google is your friend.

This site came up in a post on TGP when others were talking about different BMPs; scroll down to the bottom for the schems of the different versions (according to this site, that is).

I haven't compared it to the versions on the GGG site, but I doubt J.D. would put info on his site if he thought it was bogus. The 'GGG-tuned' Big Muff is what I'm using now, but I'm planning on building the 'Civil War' Russian BMP as well as the Ram's Head version later.
- Buck